exams started, now pass part 1

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A very tired looking man, even more sleep drained then aizawa spoke, rubbing his eyes.

"Alright...lets...get this show on the road...your all going to have a simple objective for the first stage of the exam..its an all out free for all where you go around hitting people with these balls. But you have to hit them on these small pads to rack points."

He said demonstrating them. "After that you have to save and rescue people while battling villains, its a good training scenarioz but be sure to understand that you must act accordingly as you would in a real scenario"

And then he dipped out, as in he literally fell out of sight.

The kids were all taken to different places in the stage.

Class 1A had made the smart idea of sticking together, bakugo and todoroki vounteered to go rank points.

Momo notices something odd" midoiya. Where are your guns?"

He answered simply" on me"

Denki squinted at him" Midoriya, i understand I'm  dumb but hanging out with me couldn't be that contagious."

Izuku replied again" but.. i have them on me?"

Iida and ochako want to knock some sense into him but yun poked his suit coat

"Woah, i can hear the small metal parts in there. Are they all magnetic?" She asked.

Izuku nodded as he went on to explain how he had the same parts for most guns but had special parts to attach specific guns whilst in the middle of battle.

There was a bell that rang as the tests started the crew moved along in a group, forward toward the center, to get the high ground.

Or so that was the plan. The earth rumbled, slowly, like a tsunami escalating in speed.

All of a sudden, mountains of bare solid earth exploded from  beneath the dirt.

In just 20 seconds, they had been split up and thrown into the destructive maze of solid rock.

Izuku had stumbled onto one of the erupting mountains and was now standing atop the pile, he couldn't see anyone because a bubonic plague like smoke had fallen like it mastered the art of 'metal snake: never gonna be as good as big boss but still!'

He could see a group pop their heads from the horizon, this was an ambush, smart plan. These guys were in the same class as shin do.

Izuku crouched as a dozen ballswent flying above his hands, he reached out as a small gadget like whip lashed out from under his wrist, catching the balls due to it being covered in flexu taypu.

He took  a small peak, he had a clear shot on multiple enemies they didn't see him catch the balls. Good.

He whipped up his hand, a slingshot like item propped up as metal parts linked and attached. This thing was powered by a mobile engine that was laid out on the back of the suit.

He then jumped over and loaded the slingshot and took an aim.

Amazingly, time slowed down, he let go and the balls rocketed away. The enemies started slowing down to turn around but the balls hit the pads on 2 guys, disqualifying them and earning izuku a lot of points. Sadly a bunch of them evaded it and were heading straight for him.

He didn't stop as he loaded 3 this time as thats all he had left. He took another shot, taking down another person.

Izuku grabbed some rocks and shot them at a person getting ready to throw a ball, it connected with his stomach making him drop the ball, and the other too in his left hand.

Izuku Midoriya: John Wicks Prodigy Where stories live. Discover now