Its been awhile

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Hey guys!! I originally finished this story, but I think I want to add and delete some stuff. No chapters will be deleted, I'll just make em.. bEtTer. My writing improves like every month, aT lEaSt I tHiNk sO. i don't understand how this got so many views, and votes. But it's so crazyyy!! Thank you guys so much!! I like reading your comments too, because they're hilarious 😆💛

If you guys have read my other story, 'Skater boy.' I haven't updated in a lOnG tImE, I apologize. I know I should of warned you guys but I haven't really had the time. Neither have I been interested in it anymore, but I will try and update. Again, I might fix it because I'm not happy with some parts. That is all, love y'all! 💛💞

Also if you guys have seen 'the perks of being a wallflower,' then please tell me your thoughts on it!! Cuz I seriously love that movie!
IT is still my first though😌

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