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"Goodmorning Sir" I almost jumped upon hearing that when I entered the kitchen.

Oh right, I'm not alone here anymore. I almost forgot that one.

"Goodmorning" I answered as I grab a glass to drink some water. I stared at Chen's back which is facing me now.

He's cooking huh? I thought he's a bodyguard? Didn't know he's a cook too.

"You want to be this house's maid too?" I sarcastically asked him. He glanced at me before looking back at the pan again.

"Uhh.. if you want to. I guess I can clean" he answered and I rolled my eyes.

"Shia? You can't even smell sarcasm. Why are you cooking? We can have a food delivered"

I sat at one of the chair as I watch him cook our breakfast.

"That's why you look so thin, you always eat delivered foods. Is it even healthy?"

My brows furrowed by his response. I consciously look at my body, then at his. Yeah, compared to him, my body is really small.

And did he just offended me?!

"Hey!! Watch your mouth. I'm your boss and I'm a superstar!!" I shouted to remind him. I'm not just anybody. I am Nine Kornchid!!

"Sorry about that, Sir"

"And.. I don't need to have a body like yours. I don't need to work as a bodyguard" I fired to offend him too. Not that being a bodyguard is such a degrade, I just want to offend him. That's all. Only for him.

But this guy can't only smell sarcasm, he can't smell offense too!!

He fuckin' glance at me and gave me a smile. 

"Yeah, it doesn't fit you though" he answered.

Okay, I am trying to offend him but why is it that I'm the one who got offended. Is he saying that I'm small?!

I just shook my head as I diverted my gaze somewhere. I'll just let him finish cooking so I can eat.

It's just a simple breakfast that he prepared. Fried rice, bacon, hotdog, egg and toasted bread. Why is it so many? He's that hungry huh?

"You know there's only the two of us" I reminded him as I stared at all the foods in the table.

"You should eat a lot, Sir. It's a long day for you" he answered casually.

Sir? Why is he making me look like an old man? I'm a superstar and I'm still young!!

"So formal. You should drop that formality. You're making me look like an old man. I'm not as old as your parents" I said while putting a fried rice on my plate, and grab some hotdog and eggs.

Oho? The food is so manly. Hotdog and Egg HAHAHA. Kidding.

"Okay then.. Nine"

I quickly focused my eyesight on him. Look at how comfortble he acts, can he be a little bit scared. Should I remind him that it's just his first day?!

"You forgot that I'm older than you? Call me Phi!! It's P'Nine" I corrected.

I saw a faint smile on his lips. I saw how it moves to say something.

But I can't hear anything..


"P'Nine!!" I immediately corrected him but he just laughed at me.

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