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What happens on that night remains as a history. No one brings that up the next few days. We just acted normal, like nothing dramatic happened.

I think it's the best thing to do to save myself from embarassment.

It's now the 5th day of December. I tried so hard not to think of that particular scene. I tried so hard to forget it.

I guess I did. These past few months, I haven't been seeing things. I'm happy with that even though I'm still curious on what those scenes really mean.

I guess I shouldn't make it a big deal. I don't want things like what happened on that night to repeat again. It's too much.

"Like what I said, can I invite you to model for my brand? I need your popularity to boost it" Dome laughed after saying that.

We're inside a coffee shop. Well, it's not just us. Beside me is Chen, seating silently as he stare at Dome. His arms are crossed like he's very serious and he's listening very well.

I don't mind. He can listen, he's my bodyguard after all. He needs to know everything that is connected to me.

"How much can you offer? My talent fee is kinda' big" I joked.

"Oh man!! I'm a friend, do it for free. Na?" He asked as he hold my hands so tight like he's pleading so hard.

I was about to give him my answer when Chen coughed so loud that made me glance at him. I caught him staring at Dome's hand on mine as he cough.

"You okay? Here, drink it" I immediately grab the glass of water on the table and give it to him.

"No... I think I'm fine now" he suddenly answered.

I furrowed my brows at him before giving my eyesight back to Dome.

"Alright, I'll promote your brand. When will be the photoshoot?" I asked.

Hmm.. he's a friend. There's no way I will refuse to help.

"Uh... up to you, when are you free?" He asked back.

"I think.. I'm free on the seventh. Chen, am I free?" I asked my bodyguard, well... he knows my schedule too and I'm not sure now if I'm free.

He just nodded at me.

"Okay then, expect me on the seventh of December" I smiled at Dome.

"Alright, I'll settle all the things. We'll do the photoshoot on the beach for the beautiful view" Dome spoiled his plan.

"You're really making an effort huh, business man" I laughed as I joked at him.

Both Me and Dome are laughing here from the very beginning and here is Chen, straight faced as always.

Nevermind him, he's just bringing his bodyguard facade.

"All the efforts for the superstar, do you want a red carpet too?" Dome asked.

He's a dork. Glad to be friends with this dude.

"If you can then why not? I'm not gonna refuse" I answered.

At my peripheral vision, I saw how Chen glanced at his wristwatch.

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