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It's been a month since that incident happen but I can clearly remember every details.

"Why did you let this thing happen, Chen?!" I remember P'Mes questioning Chen who is just looking at the floor while standing at the left side of my hospital bed.

"Sorry UncleAuntie, I became so assured that I take my eyes off him" Chen's voice sounds so guilty.

"Phi, don't blame him. I was the one who ordered him to get me an ice cream on his own. I'm at fault too" I stated as I hold Chen's arm, trying to make him feel less bad.

"But he knows what's best as a bodyguard. He knows he shouldn't leave you, yet.. he did" UncleAutie continued.

"Oi Phi, what matters is I'm fine and Chen caught the bad guy. Where one step ahead of this case" I stated.

Well, the gunfire I heard before I lose my consciousness was from Chen's gun. He managed to fire at the anonymous guy's arm even before he can hit me again.

"That's a problem too. The guy only told the police that someone ordered him to harm you. He wouldn't tell who the fuck is that" UncleAuntie stated looking so stressed and mad.

"And some of the parents of those kids who's in the playground with the both of you wants to file a case againts Chen. They said their kids are traumatized by the loud bang from Chen's gun" she added that made me crumple my face.

"What the fuck?" I asked, now looking at Chen. He just look at me and nodded, confirming what UncleAuntie just said.

"But I'll do my best to negotiate with them. We'll offer to just pay for the damages. I don't think it's neccessary to file a case againts him when all is caused by an emergency" she stated while crossing his arms. She diverted her gaze at me.

"I don't want things like this to happen again, okay? If things like this repeat, I'll hire you five more guards" UncleAuntie threatened.

"Uhm, promise" I nodded at her.

I've been admitted at the hospital for a total of three days. I can't move my shoulders that much as it has a big bruise on it. It takes some times to get rid of that.

P'Mes manage to settle things about parent's filing a case againts Chen. She filed a case againts the anonymous guy who hurt me too.

We didn't plan to publicize what happened to me but we failed as some fans around the area manage to take a video of what happened and posted it on social media. It became the talk of the town for quite a long time.


That's just some of the topics that trended.

Well, I happen to watch the video on Twitter and saw how Chen shoot the guy. He didn't even stopped at that. He threw punches at the guy's face until he fell off the ground. I can literally feel how numb the guy's face is after that punches.

It's my first time seeing that side of him. He looks brutally cool, I love it.

Fans grew wild upon that incident resulting for me to attend a press conference regarding the issue. I even got a number of interviews right after I recovered.

Ofcourse, Dad and Mom called me again. They are so worried that they really want me to just stay at their house. I refused, it would be hard for me as an actor since it's quite far.

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