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Early this morning, I checked my social media accounts only to..


I shouted as I look at the #1 trending topic on Twitter.


I immediately read some tweets that contains that hashtag.

Omg!! Have you guys saw @naninenai99 IG story? I didn't saw a bodyguard and boss relationship, I saw lovers.

I'm simping for @naninenai99 bodyguard!! But hey, I think they can be a perfect couple. Someone please tell me they're dating.

Who know's the IG account of @naninenai99 's bodyguard? He's a hottie.

Spotted @naninenai99 and his bodyguard having their dAtE at Griller Filler.

How romantic. After guesting at Cooking Papi with Gun, they went for a date. When will be my turn?!

That's just some of their tweets. Some even indicated photos. Different photos taken yesterday.

There's me and Chen smiling at each other on the studio. There's Chen handling me a bottle of water. There's me and Chen while eating at Griller Filler.

And the most retweeted one is me and Chen while our hands are on our own waist. It was captioned:

They look like a couple fighting here. So cute. The Mister and The Master. I'm glad to witness this cute scene with my own eyes!! I'll surely eat at Griller Filler everyday just to witness this wonderful scenery👀

I continued reading some of the tweets.

@naninenai99 IG story slaps me. Okay #ChenNine will be my ship now.

Oh crap, I immediately check my IG story only to see that I. FORGOT. TO. FUCKIN'. CUT. THE. VIDEO!!!

It was supposed to end at me saying that Chen is ugly but I accidentally included Chen's rebutt.

Petition for @naninenai99 and his bodyguard to star in a BL SERIES!! They look so fuckin' hot and real!!

"What a loud curse to start the day. What's that?" Chen appeared from nowhere and sat beside me, taking a glance at my phone.

"Here, read these" I said as I scroll my feed slowly enough for him to read. His brows furrowed as he read some.

"Uhh.. will that thing affect your career?" He asked me sounding so guilty. I quickly shook my head no.

"It won't affect me. It will affect you. Few days and they will surely meddle with your life too. You fine with that?"

I mean.. what if he gets annoyed by fans shipping him on me? I never thought they will be as hype as this. I thought few fans shipping me with him yesterday was not a big deal.

Chen's 'I want to hit him later' on @naninenai99 's IG story got me thinkingHmm, what kind of hit?👀

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