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My mind went blank after seeing Joong's condition. I don't know all of the exact things that happened after that, I can only remember bits of it as I feel so afraid. My brain can't function well.

All I know is that until we arrived to the hospital, I didn't let go of Joong's hands. I am so afraid. He's not responding. He's barely breathing. His heartbeat isn't that loud enough for me to hear.

He's dying..

As what I remembered, father's men appeared together with him and beat the hell out of Dome and his men. While his men are fighting Dome's, Dad carried Joong and we quickly went to the nearest hospital.

For the second time, it was Dad who saved the both of us from death.

"To the emergency room!!" one of the nurse shouted as soon as they put Joong in a stretcher.

"Stay here and rest, Kornchid" Dad ordered me upon arriving outside the emergency room. My mom followed a few minutes after that and she quickly gave me a hug while I'm here, still crying while looking straight to the door where Joong is.

I don't care about anybody, all of my attentions and worries are for Joong only.

"Mom.. Dome did that to Joong" I reported like a kid as I remembered how many times did Dome shot Joong's back.

"That son of a bitch will rot in jail" I heard father's voice sounding so mad. "..let's go home Kornchid" he ordered and I quickly shook my head in disagreement.

"Mai.. I'm not leaving him" I stated, more like pleaded. I thought Dad will drag me to go home with him but he just nodded.

"Let's get you checked first, then we will wait here until his condition became stable, okay?" Mom asked me but I just shook my head again.

No, I'm not moving away. Not until Joong opened his eyes again.

I heard my father's heavy sigh.

"I'll get a doctor, we'll have you checked here outside the emergency room" he then left me with Mom.

I thought they're going to ask how things happened. I thought they're going to ask me why did Joong ended up being critical, and why are we together that fast.

Because he's my bodyguard.. he's my boyfriend.. he protected me from any harm.

My hands shake as I reach for my phone, calling P'Mes.

I need to inform her. I know she's waiting for us!!

[Nine? Are you guys together now? Kiddo, Chen is very worried when he found out that you escaped] he stated that made me cry out loud.

Things won't be like this only if I didn't told him to meet me.

"Phi.. he's critical. Dome fired a gun at him" I continued crying. I didn't even know if he can understand what I just told him. My voice is shaking so bad, I can't even understand myself.

[Wait.. Calm down Nine I can't understand you and I'm panicking now!! All I can understand is Dome and gun and critical!!] He exclaimed.

I take a deep breath to calm myself but I can't. Tell me how can I do that in this situation?!!

"Dome tried to kill me and now, Joong is critical here" I reported, hoping that this time, she'll understand.

Eyes Who Cried MemoriesWhere stories live. Discover now