Chapter 1~ Audition

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Elsa's POV

I've got my ticket for the long way 'round

Two bottle whiskey for the way, and I sure would like some sweet company

And I'm leaving tonight.

(Punzie and Merida join)

When I'm gone, When I'm gone~

You're going to miss me when I'm gone, you're going to miss me by my hair you're going to miss me everywhere.

You're going to miss me when I'm gone.

The music stopped as our manager cheered for us. "What I tell ya Bruce? These girls are the next big thing!" Manager Hans told Bruce.

We all giggled and got our recording headphones off. "We did okay." I said with a small smile. "Nah, we rocked it!" Merida said throwing her fist in the air.

"Ah, Hans you finally found the next big thing. Girls, come." Bruce said into the small microphone. We all walked out of the recording box room, and stood next to Bruce.

"Yes sir?" Punzie said nervously. "You girls might actually have a chance at this. Go home and I'll take care of your fame." Bruce said with a kind smile.

Punzie nudged me with a smirk.

Oh yeah, let me introduce myself and my friends. I'm Elsa Winters, an European girl who just wants to be a big thing to kids. Be a role model more like.

And my best friends, Merida and Punzie. We've been friends for as long as I can remember. Now we are in L.A. to make our dream come true.

"Good work girls." Hans said opening his limo for us. We thanked him and went inside. "It was so easy!" I exclaimed with a huge grin.

"Nah, I bet it's harder on stage." Merida joked. "Nope, it might not." Punzie replied. "Girls, we're almost there. And tomorrow, wake up early. I'm taking you girls somewhere." Hans spoke to us.

We nodded and hopped out the car. "Man, I never thought we could actually have a shot at this." Punzie said twirling her hair.

"Me too." Merida said putting her headphones on. "I wonder where Hans will take us tomorrow." I asked them, opening our house door.

It was small, but big enough for all of us to fit in it. There was three bedrooms, two bathrooms, one kitchen, and a living room.

We didn't have what the rich fancy people would have like huge pools or anything like that.

"Well, good night girls." I said going into my room. "Love ya!" Punzie yelled then ran into her room. Merida's door shut too.

I locked my door and picked up a picture of my family. It was before the incident..It changed my life forever.

My whole family were going on a cruise to enjoy some time off the stress. While we were asleep, the boat crashed into something. It was slowly sinking.

I woke up, and found my family already on the dock waiting for the life boats to lower. "Remember, if we don't make it out of this, we love you." Dad said to me and Anna.

"Dad, Mom!" I hugged them tightly with the tears welded up in my eyes. Suddenly the life boats were lowered and someone pushed my mother, father, and sister into the freezing water.

"Mother!" I screamed. They didn't know how to swim so I could tell they were struggling to stay afloat.

Jack's POV

"Come on Boys." Pitch grunted to us. I sighed and played my guitar. Flynn did his drums and Hiccup had his backup guitar.

"Ready!" Pitch yelled and we were soon recording.

We found love right where we are

We finished in no time at all. "Good work boys!" Pitch patted our backs. "Yeah, we're perfect." Flynn said with his smolder.

"Whatever, I'm heading home." I said running a hand through my hair. "Wait, tomorrow I'm taking you boys somewhere so wake up early. That means you Jack." Pitch said looking at me.

"Yeah, I'll try." I said and walked outside. "Hey Man!" Hiccup and Flynn said to me. "Sup?" I looked back at them.

"Can I have a ride?" They both asked. I looked at my motorcycle then back at them. "Sorry boys, I ride alone. Call a taxi." I said to them while climbing on my motorcycle.

"Fine, but one day someone besides you is going to ride that motorcycle." Hiccup pointed out. "Whatever nerd." I said then drove off. It was true, Hiccup was a total nerd.

He wore big glasses, which no girl had the hots for. I stopped my engine at my drive way and I went inside. I was greeted by my butler, then I went up to my room.

I searched through my music playlist and I saw a song. By three girls called, Believe. I twitched my mouth to the side and played it.

I read a bit about this band. It consists of Elsa Winters, Rapunzel Summer, and Merida Fall. A soft angelic voice started to sing as some light guitar played.

Do, Do, Do, Do

We have the right to be free, the right to believe!

Believe, in what is free, in what is good, and just keep believing.

The song ended as I gave out a small smile. It was cute.

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