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Songs in this: Life of the Party, Shawn Mendes

Elsa's POV


I woke up, did my girly business then went to the kitchen. The girls were already awake which doesn't surprise me that much. "Morning Els." Merida waved to me.

"Mornin' Mer, and Punzie." I replied back. "Check it, Manager Hans called us so many times last night!" Rapunzel exclaimed while taking a sip of her coffee.

"Of course he did, we have something special to do today right?" Merida asked. "I think so." I answered. "Let's hurry up." Punzie said running into her room.

Me and Mer went to our rooms and quickly got dressed. I changed into a blue shirt that showed a bit of my belly but not too much, and it said 'Love me For me'

My shorts weren't that short to be honest, and my shoes were just my regular white flats. I wore Anna's ring, my mom's necklace. My two most valued things.

When I stepped out I saw Punzie wearing a pink sundress with her hair braided up, her shoes were pink flats, and she had her Channel purse.

Merida was wearing ripped jeans with a sweater that said, 'Original Hipster', her hair was messy as always, and she was wearing her ankle high combat boots.

"Let's head tooo.." Punzie started as she glanced at her phone. "Beverly Hills Park!"

"Ooh, I heard its really pretty this time of year." Mer said. I nodded as we walked out our apartment.


Punzie parked the car in front of the park as I glanced at it. "Yep, Manager Hans' limo is right there." I pointed to his limo.

"Let's go see who we're meeting." Mer said stepping out of the car. Me and Punzie did the same, and we ran inside.

When we reached a fountain, I saw Hans, and three other guys there. One with brownish hair and a goatee, another with glasses, but the last one had white hair.

"Elsa! Merida! Punzie!" Hans said coming over to us. "Hi." We all said. "Meet The Heat." Hans said pointing to the guys.

"Sup." The white haired guy said.

"Hey." The goatee one said.

"Wait is that Elsa Winters?" The one with glasses stood up.

"Uh, yes? Do I know you?" I asked him. "I'm Hiccup, from the sixth grade?" He spoke to me.

"Sorry, sixth grade was a long time ago." I said thinking back. "Aww, did you guys have a cute relationship together?" Punzie awed.

"No, wait..Hiccup Haddock?" I said excitedly. "Yes! I'm the kid who always hiccuped in class!" Hiccup said proudly.

"Wow, Haddock has a friend besides us." The white haired boy said. "Excuse me? He's part of your band!" Punzie exclaimed.

"That doesn't mean anything Blondie." The goatee one said. "What did ye' call me friend?!" Merida said rolling up her sleeves.

"Cut it out!" Hans yelled. "I brought you guys here so that ya'll can do an album together!"

"Sorry." We all muttered. "Let's just get to know each other." Hans said calmly. "I'll go first." The white haired boy spoke.

"I'm Jack Overland Frost, head singer of 'The Heat', I play the guitar, drums, and the piano." Jack said with a grin. "Me next," Merida raised her hand.

" Me name is Merida. I'm from Scotland, have three little brothers, and Im a master of bows." Merida said proudly. "Me next!" Punzie said jumping up.

" My name is Rapunzel but call me Punzie! I'm from a city called, Corona, Im an only daughter so I was very spoiled. My life long goal is to have a kiss under the Eiffel Tower." Punzie blushed.

"Next!" The goatee guy raised his hand. "I'm Eugene but my stage name is Flynn, I play the drums and guitar. Plus, I don't sing."

"I guess it's my turn." Hiccup said shyly. I smiled at him for encouragement. "I'm Hiccup Haddock, my dad is the chief of the army, and also I love dragons!"

"I guess I'm next." I muttered. "I'm Elsa Winters, an Ohio girl but moved here for a fresh new start. I love the cold, building snowmen and ice skating!" I proudly said.

"There, now let's chat." Hans smirked and grabbed his phone. I awkwardly stood where I was as the girls were talking to the guys.

"So, Elsa is it?" Jack said walking over to me. "Yep, that's my name." I smiled. "It's pretty." Jack smirked. "Yeah, no flirting Frost." I said sternly.

"Fine, but it always works on someone." Jack said looking around. "Hey Hiccup!" I yelled when I saw Hiccup stand there all alone.

"Don't waste your time on that fella." Jack stopped me. "He's my old childhood friend." I said walking over to Hiccup.

"Hey!" Hiccup waved at me. "Heya." I waved back. "Check it, your first song already has millions of hits!" Hiccup said handing me his iPad.

I checked the hits out and he was right. "Aah! This is incredible!" I squealed. "Congrats!" Hiccup smiled.

"So, what song will we be doing for the album?" I asked Hiccup, handing his iPad back. "Uh I think it's called, Life of the Party." Hiccup answered.

I squealed, "I've heard of it!"

Hiccup chuckled and flicked his hair out of his face. Man, that was..No don't say it! First school then a job and if I'm lucky enough, a boyfriend.

"So how have you been since the six grade?" Hiccup asked me. "It's been going pretty well actually." I answered with a smile.

"Els, take a look at this!" Punzie yelled standing next to Hans. "Excuse me." I said to Hiccup then walked over to Punzie.

"What's up?" I asked her. "Check it! Our own poster!" Punzie squealed and showed it to me.

"Aah! It's amazing!" I screamed when I saw the poster. "What are you girls screaming about?" Jack asked when he walked over to us.

"Our own poster!" I squealed and showed him the poster. Jack gave out a girlish scream. "Not bad." Jack smirked.

"Can't wait for the album to come out." Flynn said looking at the poster. "It's not bad." Merida said looking at the poster.

"Awesome! Hans did you photoshop this?" Hiccup asked him. "Just a bit." Hans answered looking up from his phone.

"I got us all dinner reservations, who wanna go?" Jack said fixing his beanie. "Yes!" Me and Punzie squealed.

"After that, let's go shopping!" Punzie squealed. "No Punzie, our rent is due next week, we have to save the money." I said sternly.

"We can pay your rent if you want." Hiccup said with a warm smile. "Oh no, we can't do that." Merida said to Hiccup.

"Puh-Lease, We both own at least three homes, I think we afford an apartment rent." Hiccup said with sass.

"Are you sure? I mean, we'll repay you." Punzie said. "Don't worry 'bout it girls." Jack smirked. "Some bonding Eh?" Hans said looking up from his phone.

"Some bonding going on." Flynn crossed his arms.

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