Chapter 24- Dinner Date!

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Eleanor's POV

"Eleanor get ready for office", I heard Amy's shout from outside of my room.

"Shut up Amy", I screamed.

I didn't slept a wink last night.

Something is missing in me! What would it be?

That damn Amy pushed me out of her room last night because I acted so clingy in her bed.

I washed up and went outside.

I washed up and went outside

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(Eleanor's outfit)

"You are so..", Amy started.

"Don't finish that", I snapped.

"Gonna act deaf. You look Stunning,bold, sexy", Amy smirked eyeing me up and down.

"Why do I feel like your testosterone hormone is acting up?", I Scrunched up my nose.

"I'll take that as a compliment", she smiled.

"Amy you are giving me creeps", I surrendered.

"Here", she extended my coffee.

"Well you look good", she looks cute!

"Well you look good", she looks cute!

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(Amelia's outfit)

"Well we match", she finished.

"I'll be late tonight", I informed her.

"I don't care", she sang.

"Be good at Parker's", I warned her and went out.

Reaching the office, Cooper hurried to my side.

"Ms.Anderson your father is waiting inside", he informed me.

I nodded at him and went inside.

"Eleanor", my father smiled at me.

"Yes father", I smiled back.

It has been good from our heart to heart talk or whatever you call it.

THE DEVIL'S VIXEN (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now