Chapter 31- Rejection?

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Happy reading 💙

Eleanor's POV

The kiss is so whole body is getting feverish!

Suddenly he pulled away from me.

What happened?Didn't he enjoy the kiss?

"Noah..", confusion clouded my mind.

"I...I have to make a important call", he didn't look in my eyes.

I fake smiled at him.

Pure rejection. It felt like someone slapped me really hard!

I don't know what should I do after his rejection. I left the room before him.

I walked out of the house. I have to clear my mind. I love him and he rejected me. That's it. Take that in your stubborn mind Eleanor!

I want to cry but I stopped the tears. I'm not weak. I have seen worse than this!! This damn tears why it's flowing like a river!

I don't know how far I walked but it seemed like afternoon. Sun is shining brightly in the sky. It's hard to see.

I found a tree and sat down under it. You can find better guys than him. With your small circle you might think him as your Mr.Right. But he may not be.

So be a good girl and don't complain over things which is not yours in first place.

I started playing with sand!

"Eleanor", I heard Amy.

When I looked at her she is heavily panting.

"What happened Amy? Is everything alright?", I asked worriedly.

"You fool you should have called me. Do you know how worried I was?", She was about to cry.

"What happened Amy? I just came out to get some fresh air. It's just one hour that I came out", something happened.

She jumped into my arms.

"God! What should I do with you?", She sobbed.

"Amy? What happened?Did Drake do something?Tell me Amy.. I'll kill him", I asked worriedly.

" has been six hours you left the house. I can't reach you", I looked at her eyes. She is really worried.

Time really flies fast!

"Ohh...I..I'm sorry Amy. I just wanted some time alone", I sighed.

"Don't scare me ever like that or I'll kill you",she threatened me.

I smiled. I'm blessed to have her.

"Let's have lunch later surfing. The place is perfect for it and the wind is too not strong", she suggested.

Yeah it will fresh my mind too.

"Hey babe", Drake came and scooped Amy in his hands.

I'm very happy that she made up with Drake. They deserve each other.

"This is why I don't want Amy to date! I'm so happy and jealous of you guys", I admitted truly.

"Babe don't be jealous. You are always my first hubby!", Amy teased.

"Ewww! You are acting up again", I cringed.

"What do you mean she is acting up again?", Drake asked amused.

"Ohh..That..", I gave a sly smile towards Amy.

"Shut up Blue", Amy pleaded with her eyes.

"You's nothing...", I smirked.

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