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The next morning, I was woken by Jayden shaking me. "I could never get a whole eight hours of sleep,could I?" I asked to her,rolling over to the other side. Jayden rolled her eyes. "Well,maybe you could get a full eight hours of sleep if Johnny Orlando's manager didn't just show up to our apartment!" She said,alarmingly. I quickly got up. "What the hell do you mean? Johnny's manager is here? In this living room? At this moment?" I asked,in fear. "Yes! I don't know why,or who she even is- she just told me she'd like to see you and that she's Johnny's manager! Now get up! It doesn't look professional!" She said,ripping the blankets off of me. "I hate you sometimes." I said to her,as I quickly got ready.

I was a ball of emotions,why would his manager be here? They probably were going to yell at me for kissing Johnny. Fear came into my head,as I walked into the living room.
It was a lady- she looked young- but not too young. I'd say twenty nine? I mean I'm twenty-two,and Jayden told me Johnny's twenty-four. "Hello there,Annie." She said,coming to shake my hand. Jayden was making coffee for us in the kitchen.
"Hi,"I said,shaking her hand back. We sat down on the chairs in the living room.

"So I see you know my client-Johnny?" She asked me. "Yes." I responded,with a gulp in my throat. "Look,that kiss was just-"
"Awful but great for his career at the same time?I guess you could say that." She said,finishing my sentence. "How could it have been awful?" I asked,as Jayden gave us our coffees. "Thank you," we both said to her as she nodded.

"Well,it makes it seem like Johnny hasn't stuck by his word." She responded,clicking a pen. "He just got out of a messy breakup with a singer,actress and model Mackenzie Ziegler-they've been dating for three years. While it may be a stretch,he said that he wouldn't show up kissing a girl in public or even being seen with a girl." She said,staring me down. Was this supposed to make me feel even more guilty? "However,it does look good for his career-he has been getting a lot of recognition lately."
"B-because of me?"
"I suppose so."
"Look- I'm really sorry for kissing him. I was just black out drunk-"
"Look,Annie. I will give you a deal."
"What?" I asked her,as Jayden looked confused too.

"You and Johnny could be together for publicity-fake date as you will. As said,you both could get more publicity and fame. I mean,what do you have to loose? You're an unemployed "hoping to be" an aspiring model and singer. If anything,this could boost you up and get big companies to notice you." She said slyly with a smirk. I knew exactly what she was trying to do-and I wasn't going to fall for it.

"First of all,how do you even know that? It's really none of your business. Second of all, I don't want to get the career I want based off of some rich playboy,who I don't even know! I was black out drunk- trying to forget about my ex boyfriend. I didn't even know who the dude was,until a few days ago! Then you come busting into my apartment trying to get me to fake date him? I say no!" I exclaimed. Jayden looked shocked,and the lady had gotten up,and scoffed.

"Excuse me?"
"The media will like that."
"I don't-"
"You have twenty four hours to agree to my proposal and come out to meet Johnny- for real this time.Not "black out drunk." You'd really regret not taking up this offer," She said,in the most cocky way-handing me her business card with her phone number on it as she shut the door behind her.

𝐝𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐤 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 | 𝐣𝐨𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞 Where stories live. Discover now