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"How-how'd you get in?" I asked,panic in my voice.
"The door was open. Like all the way open." He said softly,with a slight chuckle in his voice.
I looked back at the pictures as he sat down next to me.
"Why are you here?" I asked.
"I realized what I said what wrong. Like really wrong. Lauren kind of gave me a good talk when you left." He replied,looking at the pictures. "Lauren?"
"Yeah.She kind of sets me straight when I go bat shit crazy. Or rude."
"How'd you get my address?"
There was a moment of silence. "I'm so sorry,Annie. I truly didn't know what I was saying- I was talking out of selfishness. You aren't not that good,those words really hurt you,I could tell. I thought you would just use me for my fortune,and I shouldn't have assumed that when all you've been is nice to me. I'm sorry for being such a dick. I didn't know everything you've gone through until-well now." He said,looking right into my eyes.

"Is-is this your brother?" He asked,taking a picture from the ground as I nodded. "H-how did he pass,if you don't mind me asking?"
"Heart condition."
"He sounded like he was very important to you."
I sniffled. "Of course he is."
"He would've been so proud of you up in heaven."
"Why would he? I'm so useless."
"Hey! No-no you aren't!" He said,bringing my face up to his with his finger. "You are amazing." He said to me. "Thank you." I responded,and I don't know what has come over me in this moment- but I had put my head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry for bringing up Mackenzie."
"I deserved it."

"How does that even make sense! She just died randomly!" Johnny exclaimed at the TV.
He eventually got me off of the ground crying and helped me clean up a bit. He was rather sweet. I guess I do understand where he was coming from-a lot of people must've been just wanting to know him just because of his fortune. He still hasn't really told me about Mackenzie,and that's okay. Not like I'm expecting him to,anyways.
"She walked into the room!" I said back,as I started to laugh. He looked at me. "You are gorgeous." He said. I widened my eyes. "Very much random." I said to him. "Thank you." I responded as he smiled. He was really cute.

Eventually, we were making brownies as I started to sing a song. He was in the bathroom so I didn't think he heard,but when he came out he looked shocked. "Why hasn't any record label signed you,yet?" He asked,putting on Jayden's apron. It was a extra one since I had mine on.
"They all rejected me."
"Crazy." He said. "Your voice is amazing."
"Well,well,well. Compliments are gushing from the one and only- Johnny Orlando today." I said with a laugh.
"Anything for my fake girlfriend."He said,with that foolish smile again. That smile kind of makes my heart melt.

"Johnny mix the batter." I said to him. "You're bossy." He said to me,as I laughed. I will admit- maybe I am a little bossy when I want to get something done. Especially brownies.
"Hey! I love brownies." I said,I could feel myself from a smile. I turned my back-but then to have brownie batter on my face from Johnny's finger.
"You like brownies,you say?" He asked with a smirk on his face. My mouth made a "O" shape. "Oh no you did not!" I squealed as I threw brownie batter on his face.

He picked me up and I laughed. He put me back down as he pulled a strand of my hair behind my ear. "You got some batter on your lips." He whispered. "So,what are you going to do about it?" I asked back,as I felt his lips on mine.

𝐝𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐤 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 | 𝐣𝐨𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞 Where stories live. Discover now