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The next morning,I felt my phone vibrating from my pillow and grunted. Who the hell is calling me now? And what time is it? I asked myself as I quickly checked my phone. 9:00AM. Fair.

There was no caller ID,but it was an unknown number,I sat myself up and slide through the call button and answered.
"Hello?" I asked,as I heard another woman on the line.
"Hi,is this Annie LeBlanc?"
"Well,hello-this is Christine Morris calling from Vogue. Marc Anderson-the head of vogue would like you to come and model for us."
I felt a huge smile come on my face as I squealed.
"Pardon?" She asked,as I quickly stopped.
"Hi-y-yes. I would love to!"
"Alright. Could you give us your managers information so we could contact them,and schedule a time?"
Shit. I don't have a manager. The only manager I could think of right now is uh-
"Of course. Her name is Alexis Smith. She is also Johnny Orlando's manager."
"Alright. We know who he is so we could get around with that. We will get back to you later today!"
"T-thank you so much."
And she hung up.

"No fucking way you're modeling for Vogue!"Jayden screamed,as she came in my room. I rolled my eyes. "Couldn't wait for me to tell you,huh?" I asked,as she laughed. I squealed.
"My best friends going to be on Vogue. Fucking Vogue! Holy shit!"
"Dream come true." I said,falling back onto my bed.
"This is so crazy!" She looked at me for a second.
"What?I know that look." I told her.
"Have you told Johnny?" She asked,raising an eyebrow.
"Uh-no. But,I mean I did give the lady Alexis' contact information."
Her eyes widened. "Alexis- Johnny's manager?"
"I panicked.Could you blame me?"
"No. Not really. But when she finds out,what're you going to do?"
I slapped my palm against my head. "No clue."

Eventually,I had gotten up and made myself presentable for the day- when I heard my phone buzz. "Please don't be Alexis,please don't be-"
"Hi Alexis." I said.
"So mind telling me why I got a call from Vogue saying I was your manager?"
"I'm sorry, okay? I panicked. You're like the only manager I know,and I can't just walk into Vogue not having a manager."
She sighed. "I can't do it. You aren't my client."
"Come on! You know that this would happen. What'd you think would,in the beginning when you told me I would get something out of this,that I wouldn't need a manager for it? Please."
There was a silence. "They had told me that the shoot is in three days at 1:00 PM."
"It's my dream."
"Just this once,alright? And if you want to continue with me being your manager,we could have a separate meeting for that. I'll be over in three days and we could go to the shoot together."
"Thank you,thank you,thank you!" I squealed,as she hung up.
Maybe she isn't so bad,after all.


𝐝𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐤 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 | 𝐣𝐨𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞 Where stories live. Discover now