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"That's so crazy."
"She did seem kind of suspicious when I first met her anyway."
"Well you'll be with Johnny later today,won't you?"
"I guess you could just ask him when you see him."
"Don't you think it'll be awkward?"
"It may-but I really think you should talk to him."

It had been the next day,Jayden and I found out what happened between Johnny and Kenzie. Which did take up most of the night,and a lot of digging online. Alexis had called a "meeting" because paparazzi caught Johnny and Mackenzie alone at the party. I haven't seen any pictures-but more importantly I haven't seen anything of Asher and I.

"Hey guys." She said,her blonde straight hair was in a sleek bun and she was wearing all black. We were out to eat lunch at this super expensive restaurant,and Johnny looked tired. Or drunk. I really couldn't tell the difference.
"Good afternoon." I said to her,with a small smile. She looked away from me quickly and then turned to Johnny. She flashed a smile and talked. Suspicious.
"Alright,what's this meeting for?" He asked,blankly.
"Paparazzi saw you with Mackenzie. Why?"
He scoffed. "Why does everyone care so much?" He asked,his teeth were clenched. She must've hurt him-bad bad.
She rolled her eyes. "Well,you are supposed to be fake dating Annie over here. Not being caught with her."
"She was just apologizing,okay?" He said,raising his voice a bit,as we both were shocked.
Alexis was there for a bit more,until she left. Then it was just Johnny and I-perfect to ask him about it.

"Listen-I'm going to leave,I'll give you some money to pay the check for the food-"He said,opening his wallet full of money.
"No. You aren't."I said to him,sternly. He gave me a cocky smirk and sat down. "Oh really?"
"I want to talk to you. I found out what happened."
His cocky smirk wiped off his face and he gave a sigh. "Took you long enough,huh?"
"So it's true."
"Of course it is!"
"Okay,okay." I said to him. I scooted my chair closer to him. "So Alexis made you guys break up?"
He looked down at his sneakers. "Yeah." He said,quietly. "Look at me." I told him,as his emarld green eyes looked into mine.
"Alright. Alexis liked me. She made Mackenzie and I break up,and we couldn't bare to-we were both so in love. So we decided to sneak around behind her back. Then she cheated on me.Alright?" He responded,a bit upset. "I'm sorry. I just-really wanted to get to the bottom of it,what do you expect for me to do? We are supposed to be dating,and you sneaking off with your ex during a party doesn't make me want to know what happened?" I asked him. "I wish you just would've let me tell you on my own time."
"You wouldn't have."
"You're right." He said,with a laugh as I laughed back at him.

"In all honesty,I do think Alexis likes you."
He rolled his eyes. "No."
"You're a guy-of course you wouldn't think so. But,us girls could tell when a girl is crushing on a guy. Also explains how she barely acknowledges me and only cares for you." I said to him.
He shrugged. "It's honestly whatever. I would never get with her."

We had spent a few more hours together,shopping,going to the arcade,and just having so much fun. It was late night now,and we were at the beach,sitting on the warm sand looking at the stars.
"When I was about fifteen,I would always stargaze. I would talk to the stars and I know Caleb would be watching and listening to me." I said aloud. "I've never told anyone that before." I responded,with a soft chuckle. Johnny pulled me closer,and I felt myself on his chest. He sighed. "I know he is watching and listening,to you."
"This Friday is Caleb's anniversary."
He looked over at me. "This Friday was supposed to be another shoot,with you and me."
I looked up at him. "But I'll tell Alexis to reschedule. Nobody should be working on that day." He responded,as he kissed my forehead.

"Hey,John?"I asked.
"Remember when we kissed?Did-did that mean anything to you?" I asked. I don't know what came out of me-or why I even asked,maybe it was all just my stupidity.
"Of course it did."
I smiled,as I felt his heart beating faster. "I still have feelings for her."
I didn't know what to feel- I mean we aren't even actually dating. I got off his chest as sighed. "Oh." Is all I could say.
"I mean,you like Asher,right?" He asked,unsurely.
"Yeah-yeah." I responded. "Take me home?" I asked. "Are you su-"
"Yes. Please."

I did feel butterflies whenever I was around him,but I knew this was nothing more than a fake relationship. Then why'd I let this hurt so much?

𝐝𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐤 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 | 𝐣𝐨𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞 Where stories live. Discover now