Part one

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Hey guys this is my first time posting so bear with me ok? I really hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing! Also I am always open to suggestions so...
Kisses, bee

You are laying lazily on the couch as your phone starts ringing
"Hey jj"

"U busy? I hate to bother you but Will is stuck at work could you please pick Henry up at a playdate?"

"Aw ofc I can, I miss the little munchkin." You really did you love him, kids were your absolute passion. " Just text me the address and I'll be on my way."

"You actually don't need it, he's at Hotch's" Hotch was you and JJ's boss, you had joined his team at the Behavior Analysis Unit two years ago and you loved your job and the team, it was always your dream to be a profiler.  You checked yourself in the mirror twice before getting in the car, not that you would ever admit it, but you may have a little crush on Hotch.

As Hotch opens the door you see How handsome he looks in casual clothes, you can tell he is also surprised to see you.

"Hey, Jj asked me to pick up Henry" you can feel Hotch's eyes on you but before he can answer Henry jumped on you.

What you didn't know is Hotch was watching you intensely, his own mind foggy with so many thoughts. For him you were a breath of fresh air, Aaron noticed this ever since you first came to the BAU, you lit up the room anytime you were in it and he struggled to look away. Even though he knew he should, but he couldn't he thought you were smart, witty, beautiful and young, way too young. Not to mention he was your boss, but still he felt attracted to you.

"Looks like Henry and Jack had fun" you say looking at the two boys and once again taking Hotch away from his own thoughts
"Oh, yes" Aaron clears his throat "do you want to sit? I can grab you some water"
"Yes" Henry screams before you can even consider answering "we'll be here playing, please take a looooong time to drink the water"
Both adults laughed as Hotch guided you towards the kitchen.

This is weird, you thought while sitting in Hotch's kitchen. He looked so hot in casual clothes he should wear them more.

"I didn't know you and Henry were close" Hotch says in an attempt to make the atmosphere less tense.

"I often babysit for JJ, i think he likes me"

"Who doesn't" you smile without really knowing what he even meant by that

"It's Saturday, why aren't you with Todd" he asks eyes meeting yours

"We broke up" Todd and you dated for a few months before you found out he was a jerk that cheated on you more than once. You were glad you didn't waste any more time with him

"I'm sorry" he says but his tone and his eyes conveyed a different message, almost as if he was happy? His eyes had a hungry look that you couldn't exactly interpret.

It was a long week, the team had just finished paperwork for your latest case when Rossi steps in

"let's go everyone, it's been a long day I think we all could use some drinks" he looks over at Hotch "Are you joining us Aaron?"

He glances at you, already at the glass doors with Emily's arm on yours "yes, I will meet you there.

At the bar you decided to let loose, since all week you have been tired and thinking about Hotch and how handsome he looked that day. This needed to stop, maybe you could drink enough to wake up in a stranger's bed? That could help you "drink up pretty girls" Morgan handed you and the girls a drink, and then two more. Not long after that you had a beer in your hand while dancing with Emily on the floor, after a couple songs you decided to grab another drink even though you were already really drunk.

You walked over to Spencer, sitting with Rossi and Hotch, both men sipping on whiskey, you rest you head on top of Spencer's, you could only do that when he was sitting down considering he was 6'1 and you almost 5'5. Rossi jokes about something and you laugh not really paying attention, you were now focused on Hotch, he looked so goddamn hot with that glass in his hands, you wanted them wrapped around your neck. No you try to brush the thoughts away but you can't so you run to the bathroom.

As look in the mirror the world around you was spinning, and you looked an absolute mess, you fitted button down was no longer tucked in your skirt, the first few buttons were now undone and your normally perfect hair was all over you face. God you really had to stop this stupid crush on Hotch, it was ruining you. You stumble back to the table to see everyone sitting and talking

"I'm gonna call it a nigh ok guys" you reach for your phone to call for a cab, but someone stops you

"I was about to leave as well y/n, why don't you come with me?" Aaron says

"Yea princess I think you should, just to be safe you know. It's pretty late to get in a cab alone." Morgan adds and Emily nods

"Ok hot stuff" you joke "I'll go with Hotch" you kiss Derek in the cheeks and hug everyone else. Trying your best to walk in a straight line.

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