Field Trip Pt.2

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Peter's POV
When we get home I walk in and the receptionist Katherine greets me. "Hello Stark Jr. How was school today?"

"Fine, thanks. And just Peter is fine." I reply, with a smile, everyone in the tower knows I'm a Stark and call me "Mr.Stark or Stark Jr." even though I insist for them to call me Peter.

I make my way to the elevator and pull out my red and gold card that grants me to the highest level in the tower, the level that's only for the Avengers (which I am) and Mrs.Potts-Stark and to their son me, even though the public doesn't know.

I scans it and FRIDAY greets me in an almost human voice, "Hi Peter! Welcome Home. Do you want me to tell the boss you're here?"

"Sure, Thanks. Can you take be to the living room please?" I ask

"Of course Mr.StarkJr".

When I get there I say "Hey guys" and I gets a chorus of "Hey Peter", "Hi Pete", a "Hello little spider" from Auntie Tasha and a "Hello man of spiders" from Uncle Thor.

"How was school?" Auntie Tasha asked,

"It was fine" I answer, she looks at me with skepticism but doesn't say anything, which I'm grateful for.

I say I'm heading to my room to do school work but I drop by Moms office to say Hi and ask her about my permission form.

When I get there I knock on the door softly and I hear a soft "Come in".

I open the door and say "Hi Mom!"
"Hey Petey! How was school today?" Mom replies

"Good, except..." I trail off. She gives me the Mom look that says "what happened".

I reply by saying "Well there is a field trip to well here and I was wondering if you could sign it. And also Flashbulliedmeagaintoday" I say the last part really quickly
Mom is the only one who knows about Flash. I feel like the rest of my family would take it too far. "I can sign the form" she says calmly before she turns angry "WHAT. DID. HE. DO. TO. YOU?" she asked

"He punched me a couple times after shoving me in my locker" I quietly mumble.

"I'm gonna hunt that boy down and kill him right now!" she says angrily

"No! Mom no. It's fine. It's okay, I'm not hurt" I say, but I can tell she knows I am.

"Are you sure? I should at least call the school" she says but I shake my head no and she finally listens.

"Oh and Mom, can you not tell Dad and everyone. I don't want them to embarrass me"

Mom says okay and I leave to do my homework.

An hour and half later I hear Uncle Steve say "PETER DINNER'S READY" I come downstairs and sit down at the dinner table.

Dad sparks up the conversation, "Hey Petey, anything at school, you wanna tell us?"

I internally take a deep breath in and out to stop my stuttering that happens happens when I am nervous or lying.

I stutter anyways as I say, "N-n-nothing Da-ad. W-w-hy?".

Then Loki pulls out my permission form and says "Peter, you are going on a field trip to your house?"

"Um... Yeah" Everyone starts chuckling

Dad says with a mischievous glint in his eyes "Don't worry Petey, I'm not gonna embarrass you, I can't say the same about everyone else though!"

I look around the room at my aunt-who-is-more-like-my-sister Wanda and my uncle-who-is-more-like-my-brother Loki and see mischievous looked in their eyes.

Then I look at my Aunt and Uncles and see mischievous glints in their eyes and I know I have no hope. After dinner I had to bed dreading what's coming next Friday.

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