Chapter 51

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I stared at the eyes of my killer.

I tried to think where I had seen that look before. 

I watch so many crime documentaries my head was rollardexing through my back catalogue trying to match the sardonic look that the love of my life has to any serial killer in the history of serial killers.

So far I felt she was a mix between Eileen Wurnos and Jeffrey Dahmer. 

Either way it didnt look like it was going to end pretty for me. 

I got up onto my knees. In a praying position. I felt the collar of my neck tighten more. 

I decide that praying might just be the answer. 

"Heavenly Jesus in heaven above, harold is your name, give me my daily bread not to have to die at the hands of the love of my life, forgive her for she know's not what she does, deliver her from evil, the one that is inside, for kanye is king, the power and the yeezy's amen" I unclasp my hands and crack an eye at Ari to see if she bought my praying. 

Hoping she forgives me and lets me go. 

I look up at her. 

That face is still there.

I chance a wry, crooked smile. 

She grunts.

I have never heard Ari grunt in her life. 

Suddenly I am ascending. 

Maybe Jesus is calling me home.

"Get up Y/N" Ari spits out. 

Nope, not Jesus, definitely not Jesus.

I stand up and straighten myself and dust the imaginary lint off. I pull the hood of my sweater back into position and feel the torn cotton between my fingers. 


I loved this hoody. 

Now she's ripped it. 

"Damn Ari why did you have to rip the hoody" I shuffle my feet and kick the floor slightly and huff.

I am acting like a petulant child.

"You are lucky I haven't ripped your throat out" her voice is scarily calm.

"Oh damn, that's savage, probably work too with those acrylic's " I hear Nick squeak out.

I forgot he was still here. 

"Shut up Nick" I whisper out.

"Nicholas can you please leave" Ari still speaks so calm. No emotion, no expression. 

Just this flat eery voice. 

"Ugh, Nick you... you can stay if you want man.. no ru" I didn't get to finish my sentence before I was cut off.

"Leave Nicholas, now" Ari bites.

"Yep going" Nick starts running around the room grabbing all his stuff and throwing it into his bag "going..." he picks up the bible and I hear the sound it makes as it hits the other items in the bag "gone" he walks past me and mouths "sorry dude" and leaves quietly out the door.

So there I am.

On my own. 

With no one else beside me.

I Can Be Needy (Ariana/You)Where stories live. Discover now