Chapter 40: Still alive bitches.

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Vote if you think Levi Ackerman is daddy af.

*Votes my own chapter aggresively*



Total blankness and darkness.

No sound, no movement.

But it did not feel peaceful. At all.

It was uneasy, too uneasy. I was neither dead, nor alive. I wasn't the one in control and I couldn't do anything about it. Nor could I feel the time pass.

I was just...there. Existing. Inside my own body with someone else in control of my mind and movements.

It was almost as if I had Dissociative Identity Disorder, also known as DID or multiple personalities disorder. It occurs to people who have gone through traumatic experiences. But things would have been different in that case. For example, I would be able to see and hear even when I'm not the one in control of my personalities. And usually people having DID have more than two personalities.

But here, it was either me in control or the other person, who certainly wasn't a personality.

The worst part was that I had tried to kill Jayceono in the past when I wasn't myself and I switched right in front of him while he tried teaching me Italian, losing myself.

I'm scared of the outcome.

I tried my best to come out, to be the one in control but it was as if there was a force pushing me back onto the ground and holding me there, obstructing any and all of my movements.

I had no record of time by the time I heard the faint beeping of the machine. The sudden splash of light almost blinding me and the whispers around me making me nauseous.

A hand touched my cheek and I forced my eyes open to see the person.

The image in front of me blurred and I squinted my eyes to look clearly and saw Crusano in tears, but a smile on his face as he said something to the people standing behind him and all of them rushed over to me.

Ah fuck I was better off as dead.

I fluttered my eyes dramatically and then slumped down on the bed acting as if I was dead. Immediately gasps resonated inside the walls and before things could get even more dramatic, I squeezed Crusano's hand three times and winked. It was a code if you wanted annoying people who wanted their daily tea to just go away, we had to either squeeze the hand thrice or wink once, but I did both because I didn't want to risk it.

Understanding me, Crusano turned around to the crowd and weeped in front of them, "Everyone out! She's dying, She's dead! Give her soul some space to find the right direction to heaven." He croaked out. When people gasped and started departing, he muttered under his breath, "Even though the bitch would rather choose hell saying that it'll be more fun there."

Nina and Crusano came towards my bed with a serious expression and it was honestly scary so I gave them a crooked smile, lifted both of my hands, covered in saline and other drips in the air, but due to my clumsiness, the wires and tubes got entangled and there was a loud crash. I still kept my hands in the air as I looked at them and they looked at me, "Still alive bitcheesssss." My words slurred.

They looked at me, arms crossed against chest and with a still expression. In a second the both of them jumped and you could hear me scream "NOOOO!" in slow motion but it was of no use as the two bags of potatoes landed on top of me almost making me see the light...again.

They snuggled in with me and kissed me everywhere, sometimes even shouting at me but I didn't care, I was just happy that these two goofballs were with me and that I was okay.

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