Chapter 30

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Time skip!

I feel as if my life has been crazy, but I am thankful for it. I have met my actual soulmate, and we have two beautiful kids and one on the way.

Anakin is now 7, we also had a baby girl named Amidala, or Ami for short. She is now 5. We have another boy on the way, we are still thinking of name ideas.

Kylo is an amazing father, The kids adore him. Ami is definitely a daddy's girl, while Anakin is a mommy's boy. I'm thankful everyday for my family, I'm thankful for Kylo. He reminds me everyday of how much he loves me, he always makes me feel special. He is also an amazing king, the people love him.

Things have been very peaceful, no wars have happened.

"Mommy can we find daddy now?" Anakin pulls me out of my thoughts. I look down at Anakin and Amidala and smile at our beautiful creations. The two reach out to my swollen belly and rub it.

"Yes my loves, we can find him now." I held both of their hands as we wonder around the castle. We find him shortly in the throne room, finishing up a meeting.

"Daddy!" Ami yells. She runs as fast as she can to Kylo, he scoops her up and holds her tightly. Anakin runs up to him and he picks him up too. I watch Kylo give them kisses and swirl them around.

"My love you look breath taking." He stops to look at me, smiling. He walks over to me and kisses me.

"Ewwww! Mommy and daddy are kissing!" Anakin's face turns sour. Kylo lets the two down and they run and play right outside the door.

Kylo pulls me close again and kisses me slowly. He pulls away and rests his head against my forehead. "I love you." He whispers.

"And I love you." I kiss him again.

"Chris walks in holding our children's hand, his wife belle walking in behind him, rubbing her belly. Chris had gotten married 2 years ago, and now they are having their first child, a girl. Belle is only 5 months pregnant, and I am 7 months. We've connected a lot through this pregnancy, I couldn't ask for a better aunt for my children, both Phasma and Belle are wonderful aunts.

We are finally happy, we finally get to live our lives in peace. 

I will never stop loving Kylo Ren.

The end

Thank you all so much for reading!💕💕💕

Red Empress    Kylo Ren//ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora