Reunion II

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     My minds blank. Empty. But my hearts hurt. 'Dad'? this man right infront of me is my dad? On the verge to kill his own wife, my mother. I always asked my mom when I was little, 'Where is dad?' But she always responds with, 'Don't worry about him too much, he's just busy with work overseas' Work? Is this work? Run away from your family woth your so called 'work', then come back decades later only to kill them later on for information on a school?

    He actually looks like my dad, ( Y/E/C ) eyes, ( Y/H/C ) hair, white wings, but slightly broken and torn apart, a quirk similar to mine. How could I kill him? He's my dad. But he's a villan, I guess that dosen't make him one anymore after all these years. What should I do? Injure him until he gives up? Run away? Give him the information so that my moms safe and not the school? Risk my life for my mother and the students and teachers of U.A?

   I can't do all of that. It's all worrying  for people, especially Tenya. Running away risks the life of my mother, but, he just might try and catch me.. 'Catch me', what can I do to make him do that? The jnformation for the school? I guess that could work, I built up my stamina from Thirtheens training, so I should be at ease.

   Then what about mother? Who'll come and save her? I dont have any cellphones I could use to get someone to save her. Fly all the way to find any patrolling heroes? Risky. I don't know what dad's capable of. Since he wants information about U.A, theres a slight chance that he's apart of the League. Plus, I'm quite far from the city, so I highly doubt theres any strong heroes around this area.

   If this risks my life, I'll die as a hero, they may not know why did I fight this villan myself and not call for backup, but that's okay. It's best if my story isn't told.

That's final. I'm running. But to where? The sky? I could fight him there without worrying my neighbors, but it's dark. Some might come check out what's happening, well, the ones with a fying quirk could, or any quick that let's them see what's going on.

It dosen't matter. If I injure myself, even if im on the verge of death, as long as everyones safe, i'm okay with that. I don't want praises, I don't want any money, I don't want fame, I just want everyone to be safe at this current moment.

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