-platform 9 3/4-

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-Your POV-

  I suppose I never expected the time to fly by so fast. It feels like just yesterday I was being handed that wax-sealed letter. I could see the pride in my parent's eyes, they were happy that I would be the one to carry their legacy, especially my father. They've always been proud of me and my accomplishments at this school but there's always been something slightly off about their intentions for me. I've decided against questioning them, knowing it'll just result in another lecture about blood purity and social status. That's what it's always been about.

  "Y/N I don't want you associating yourself with the wrong type of wizarding family..." My father's words always seemed to resonate in the back of my mind, it didn't help that my mother would egg him on. She allowed his outdated prejudiced ways to shine through.

  "You don't want our bloodline to be tainted, dear, your father and I would be so devastated if you were to mingle with....dirty blood."  My mother was just as bad as my father. 

  I personally don't think blood status matters, whether you're muggle-born, half-blood, or pureblood. I mean, you can still be a powerful witch or wizard, it all depends on just how much you apply yourself to your craft. I suppose people just seem to think small things like blood status matter more than the wellbeing of others. Sorry, I'm rambling...I tend to do that, back to the subject at hand, fourth year. This has quite possibly been the worst summer since I started attending Hogwarts. 

  In May before school ended, my owl, Zeus, passed away from a freak accident, since then I haven't had the heart to purchase a new one, and because of that, I haven't been staying in touch with any of my friends, not even Draco. That was really odd, especially since my parents are so close to the Malfoy family.  Draco was practically my brother, we're best friends and we've been inseparable since we were small. I missed him, and I missed my other friends...I couldn't speak about them in front of my parents, especially since one of them is a muggle-born.

   As my parents and I make our way to that little brick wall between platforms 9 and 10 they observe the muggles, the looks on their faces are that of disgust and resentment. I'm not sure exactly what makes them hate muggles so much, I for one find them quite interesting but my opinion doesn't matter to my parents, I must maintain the prestigious reputation of the Y/LN family. Anyway, we've reached the wall and I don't want my parents to go through with me so I give them their hugs and their kisses and I bid them their goodbyes. I pick up my trunk and turn back to them and smile, although I don't agree with their opinions and their beliefs, they're still my parents and they have never failed to take care of me and show me unconditional love and support, and for that, I will always be grateful. After flashing them a bright smile, I go through the wall and I smile again, feeling the familiar atmosphere of Platform 9 3/4.

  I swim my ways through the ocean of people and I spot a familiar head of long platinum blonde hair talking to an even more familiar head of short platinum blonde hair, I pick up my speed and make my way over and I go in for a hug straight away.

"Draco! I've missed you so much this summer. I'm so sorry I didn't write." I was still hugging my best friend like I hadn't seen him in ages.

"I've missed you so much too, Y/N. Don't apologize, the summer has been quite hectic for me but now we're back at school" He pulled away from the hug and smiled at me, of course, I smiled back. I exchanged greetings with Lucius and Narcissa like I always do, Narcissa brought me in for a short hug. The Malfoys have always been like a second family to me.

  Draco said his goodbyes to his mother and father and I bid them their goodbyes as well and we both made our way to the train and boarded. 

I can't wait to be back.

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