chapter 19

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It is dark by the time we arrive in London. The Weasley's are staying in a hidden building since their home was burned down. Ginny and I stand on the sidewalk with our luggage and the buildings begin to slide apart. I walk through the door first, rolling my luggage behind me.

I walk down the long narrow hallway and Ginny follows behind me. I open the door at the end of the hall and walk into a giant kitchen with a long table in the middle of it.

"Hello?" I shout.

"Livy!" I look up and see Fred peeking his head over the railing. "George, Olivia is here!"

"Livy, Ginny!" I just about jump out of my skin. George is standing right next to me.

"Bloody hell, how many times do I have to tell you not to do that!" I say smacking George lightly on the chest. Fred is to the left of me within seconds. "Do you even walk anymore?" I ask them both.

"No, not really," they say at the same time grinning. They hug Ginny and Mrs. Weasley appears from a nearby room. She smiles and rushes over to me.

"Oh Olivia, darling. How are you?" She pulls away from the hug and takes a good look at me. "My gosh, you've gotten so thin. Let me make some food for you all." She runs over to Ginny next and kisses her.

"Okay, okay mum," says Ginny while Mrs. Weasley inspects her.

"Where is Ron? And Harry?" I freeze and look over at Ginny. My God. No one told her. No one could've told her I guess. We couldn't risk writing and I'm guessing Lupin isn't here yet or else he would've told her. Ginny looks pale as a ghost. "Well, where are they?" Mrs. Weasley asks again.

"Someone's in trouble," whispers Fred in my ear. I throw him a dirty look.

"Well, we would've told you sooner, but we didn't exactly have a safe way to do so..." Ginny trails off and Mrs. Weasley looks back at me.

"Okay, well someone tell me what is going on!" She snaps.

"Ron, Harry, and Hermione went to look for the remaining horcruxes!" I blurt out. Fred and George share a look then look back at me.

"Well, that would explain why Seamus told us Ron left school to go on travel when he came by the shop," says George and Mrs. Weasley turns toward the twins.

"You two knew about this and didn't say anything?" She says to them calmly. I think her calm voice is more intimidating then her yelling. "When did they leave school?" She turns to Ginny and asks.

"Uhm, about the third week maybe," she says quietly and Mrs. Weasley's mouth drops open.

"They've been out who knows where for months and no one felt the need to tell me!" I do feel guilty for not letting her know, but I also kind of forgot to tell them too. I figured Ginny would find a way, but maybe she was more worried about Harry then Ron at this point.

Mr. Weasley walks into the kitchen and I give him a small wave.

"Ah, the girls are here. What is all the commotion out here about?" he gives me a small nod and smiles.

"Did you know our son, Harry, and Hermione Granger have been out there for months on a dangerous journey and we weren't told?" Mrs. Weasley turns to her husband and he looks at each of us.

"Remus might have mentioned something of the sort when I last saw him," says Mr. Weasley and now my mouth is open. He is in so much trouble. She smacks him with the oven mit and Fred and George laugh.

"So everyone just knew except for me? It's almost like I haven't fed all of you for most or all of your lives! I'm going to start dinner, your room is upstairs girls. Get settled and welcome home." She kisses Ginny and I on the cheek roughly and rushes over to the oven. I walk toward the stairs and when I pass Mr. Weasley he rests his hand on my shoulder.

"Welcome home Olivia," he says smiling slightly at me.

"Thank you Sir," I say returning the smile.

"Please, I've told you a million times it is Arthur." He pats my back and I walk up the stairs. Ginny stays downstairs to talk to her mother.

There are a ton of doors up here and I go into the third room down because it is the only one with a closed door. I walk in and Fred and George are sitting on one of the beds smiling at me.

"Oh no, shouldn't you two be downstairs stirring up more family drama?" I ask throwing my luggage in the nearby closet. I don't feel like unpacking with them in here.

"We are more interested in what drama you have for us," says George. Him and Fred share a look of mischeif.

"I don't have anything new, your brother is the one off on a dangerous hunt," I say sitting on the bed across from them.

"The oversized mens hoodie that smells like cologne you are wearing begs to differ Livy," says Fred smirking at me. I feel my cheeks turn red.

"You two would notice that," I say rolling my eyes.

"So who is the boy you scared into liking you?" asks George.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I say smirking at them. I swear they are like the annoying older brothers I never had.

"Oh come on, we already know about Ginny and Harry and even Ron and Hermione. What we don't know about is you and this mystery guy," says George. They are practically begging me to tell them, but I know their reactions wouldn't be this giddy if I told them the truth, so I say the first person who comes to mind.

"It's Neville's if you must know," I say crossing my arms. Their mouths drop open at the same time.

"No way you finally gave Longbottom a chance!" says Fred.

"It's not even like that. I was cold on the train and he let me borrow it is all. Gosh, you two are always scheming. Now out please so I can unpack!" I say laughing. They frown.

"You're no fun Livy!" says Fred and they take out their wands and are gone within seconds.

I lay down on the bed and stare at the ceiling. Just the smell of the Weasley home is comforting. It always smells like cinnamon and warmth. I put my hands in the pocket of my hoodie and feel the small black box my necklace came in. I pull it out and sit up slightly. I open the box and lift the velvet. A neatly folded piece of fancy parchmant paper lays in the bottom of the box and I pull it out. I unfold it carefully and there written in his handwriting, a whole page. I smile and begin to read.

Olivia Grace Lupin,

I feel like a sap just scribbling your full name on this piece of paper. Your real name. I love your name. Olivia Grace Lupin. You are my saving grace. You always have been and I know you will continue to be for the rest of our lives. I'm writing this from my spot, well I guess I can call it our spot now. I saw a man come out of the little house on the side of the mountain today. He has a son Olivia. All these years I've watched this little house on the mountain and  I've never seen anyone come out until today. I wish you could've seen them. I can't help but think that could be me one day in that little house. Me and you. Our story could really start then. Right now we are still writing inside the lines, but my darling one day we will be able to scribble our love all over the pages. Yes you read that right. Our love. I love you Olivia Grace Lupin. I should've said it forever ago and I should say it to you every second of every day.

This is just the beginning,


A single tear falls from eye.

Ginny bursts into the room and looks at me. I stuff the letter into my pocket and wipe my face quickly.

"What's wrong?" She asks standing at the door with her luggage.

"Nothing, just tired," I say and she smiles sadly at me.

"Well I came to tell you, Lupin is here."



Hi! I hope you are all doing well! I have a busy week ahead of me with lots of college exams, so forgive me for the late updates! Thank you all again for all the support and kind comments! Remember to vote please!!

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