chapter 27

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I run down the stairs as quickly as I can. I run out the doors of the school and search frantically for a familiar face. Lupin. I make my way through the battlefield, dodging spells and stepping over bodies. I try not to look at the faces as I run by. I finally get close to him and point my wand at the death eater he is fighting and I use the spell for the first time.

"Avada kedavra!" I shout and the death eater freezes and disappears. Lupin turns around and his eyes grow wide.

"Olivia!" he screams and runs to me. He wraps his arms around me and I feel safe for just a moment and forget we are in the middle of a war. I pull away and we take in our surroundings together. "You didn't have to do that." We stand back to back and help fend off death eaters and creatures.

"I was going to have to eventually," I say. "Tonks?" I ask.

"She's fine! Right over to your left, I've had my eye on her." I look over and see her beating a death eater with her bare hands. My gosh, that woman is fierce. I look next to her and see Ginny fighting off a death eater. I need to get to her and tell her about Harry.

"I need to get to Ginny," I scream at Lupin. He turns to me and grabs me by the shoulders.

"Please stay safe Olivia," he says with pure intensity in his eyes. "I love you."

"I love you too dad," I say and he smiles the biggest I've ever seen. I turn and run towards Ginny who isn't far from me. 

"Ginny!" I scream and she turns her head franctically. We make eye contact and I can see her panic. She runs to me.

"Harry, I heard Voldemort and please tell me he didn't go," she says grabbing my arms. Before I can respond the whisper comes again. We all cover our ears.

My forces, stand down. 

His voice is gone just as quickly as it came and all of his army is leaving. Why did he call them off? Then it hits me and Ginny too.

"No," she says. I grab her hand.

"Ginny, listen. He has a plan. He told me to tell you not to worry, okay?" I say grabbing her by the arms, so she will look at me.

"Your arm," she says and I look down at my right arm. It is bleeding a lot from when Draco sent me flying into the room of requirement. "I need a distraction, come on let me take care of it." She leads me into the dining hall where people are getting bandanged up. We sit down in a corner and Ginny grabs some medicine and bandages. "How did this even happen?"

"Draco Malfoy," I say with disgust in my voice. She raises her eyebrows at me.

"I'm guessing that isn't a thing any-" starts Ginny, but then she is cut off.

"Olivia, Ginny!" Hermione rushes over to us holding Ron's hand. That makes me smile slightly.

"Where is Harry?" I ask franctically. Ginny begins to wrap my arm and I can tell she is trying her best to remain calm.

"We were with him by the lake and then Voldemort killed Snape. Harry grabbed one of his memories then we came back here with him and now he is gone. We think he went to the forest," says Hermione looking panicked. Ginny whips around.

"You let him go there alone?" She screams.

"Ginny, we couldn't stop him. He had to do it," says Ron. They aren't wrong. Voldemort wouldn't have called off his army if Harry didn't go. I hope he has a plan. Ginny finishes wrapping my arm and then Neville comes running inside.

"Voldemort's army is coming back!" He yells and we all rush outside.

We all stand in a crowd and I look around at how bruised and bloody everyone looks. Ginny grabs my hand and I intertwine my fingers with hers. I see Hagrid carrying something. A person. Oh no. Ginny squeezes my hand harder and I hold my breath. Voldemort stops in front of us all and breaks into a smile.

"Harry Potter is dead!" He yells out and the whole crowd gasps. I feel my whole body go numb and before I can stop her, Ginny is running toward Voldemort screaming. I run towards her and pull her as hard as I can. I grab her by the arm and pull her away while she screams.

"Shhh Gin shhhh," I say stroking her hair while she collapses in my arms.

"Stupid girl! You will all obey me now or be killed. Come join," says Voldemort holding out his arms. No one moves and then the Malfoy's speak.

"Draco," they whisper. I look over to my right and see Luna standing behind Draco. He looks around nervously and hesitates. Is he going to stay with us? Were we wrong about him? He looks around again and then steps down from the stairs. He walks toward Voldemort and he embraces Draco. He goes to stand next to his parents and his mother grabs his hand. For a second I swear he stares right at me. 

I reach up and grab my necklace almost on instinct. I look at the little lion and snake. For some reason I can't even remember where it came from, but I know I wear it everyday. I never take it off. I've felt so weird since I came back from Malfoy Manor. I continue to play with the necklace while holding Ginny, then it hits me.

"Ginny, your necklace," I whisper to her. Neville is dragging himself over to Voldemort and I wonder what the hell he is doing. He starts giving a speech about Harry and Voldemort laughs.

"What?" says Ginny looking up at me with tears in her eyes.

"Open the necklace. Harry's heartbeat," I say and she pulls the locket out from under her shirt. I watch her open it and her eyes go wide.

"He's alive," she whispers to me. I look over at Hagrid who is standing over Harry's body and I look for the slightest sign of movement. I don't see anything and I swear maybe the necklace is wrong. Voldemort doesn't just make mistakes, does he? I turn towards Neville who is still talking and  if he doesn't stop soon he is going to get himself killed. We are all about to get ourselves killed if Harry isn't alive.

Suddenly Harry jumps up and shoots a spell at Voldemort's snake. His eyes go wide and people on both sides gasp. I grin and Ginny let's out a giant sigh of relief.

The snake. Harry said to get the snake. All at once it is like everyone unfreezes and we are all fighting again. Bodies and spells flying everywhere. Voldemort and his snake run inside the school and Harry, Ron, and Hermione run after them. I turn to go with them, but then I spot Liam out of the corner of my eye. A death eater is right behind him pointing a wand and I take off running.

"No!" I scream and shove Liam out of the way. I feel a sharp pain and the last thing I see is Draco Malfoy's face looking over mine before darkness takes over.

Hey guys!!! I have been writing so much lately!! I'm so excited to finish the story! I'm not sure how many chapters will be left, maybe around 6. I hope you are all still enjoying reading! I have been loving your comments(:


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