Chapter Four - I am sorry

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(i just realised, i forgot to show you what Abby looks like. so that is her above ^^)

Everyone is asleep.

Tyler and Kaia are cutely, cuddled up on the mattress on the floor.

Elliot and Taylan laid close to each other on the other one, with Oakley laying by himself on the third mattress.

which leaves. Abby laying next to me, on my bed.

next to me... urgh, i cant sleep. 

I looked at my alarm clock 1:47AM seriously?

we all didn't go to sleep till around 1 o'clock, but me, nope i cannot sleep. it also doesn't help that a cute adorable, girl is laying next to me.

letting a sigh leave my lips, after contemplating if i should get up or not, i did. slowly but gently i got up and made my way out of my bedroom. I quickly rubbed my eyes, then made my way down the stairs. All the light's were off since, everyone was asleep, so i turned the kitchen light on and walked over to the fridge.

after looking through the fridge and not finding anything, i shut the door closing my eyes with a sigh. 

"find anything?" 

i jumped at the sudden voice, turning around and slipping. "woah shit" 

i landed straight on my wrist. wincing at the pain, i grabbed my hand. "oh my god i'm so sorry" she said coming over and sitting next to me. "it is okay Abby, it wasn't your fault" i reassured her.

"no it was my fault, if i didn't sneak up on you like that yo-" i cut her off with placing my finger over her lips. "its fine Abb's"

i moved my finger from her lips, to moving a strain of hair behind her ear "it was an accident" i swear i could of seen her blush, but i ignored that from the wincing pain in my wrist. "let me get you something for that" she said standing up and going into the freezer.

i stood up, and sat on the kitchen stool, continuing to hold my wrist. Abby then walks back over, but this time with an ice pack. "here" she said, placing it gently on my wrist, while holding my hand.

My whole body froze, and my heart began to race. i never once in my life has felt this way about someone before, and to be honest it actually scares me. I slowly look into her eyes and smile "why are you so kind?"

Abby furrows her brows "i-i don't know, i guess i just am?" she then raises her eyebrows "why? is there something wrong? i can stop-"

once again i cut her off with placing my finger on her lips "shh, no i like it"

The two of us continued to stay quiet, Abby standing in between y legs holding onto the ice pack. "thank you for taking care of me" i mumbled "no one has ever done something like this to me before" i continued smiling.

Abby's smile grew as she looked deep into my eyes "no worries, but make sure to get that checked out, or just wrap it for a few days"

i nodded, continuing to stare at this gorgeous human being in front of me. Before i new it i was leaning in, Abby looked down at my lips, but she slowly pulled back My eyes widened as i pulled away "i am so sorry. i don't know what came into me" i said looking away from her "i mean for god sakes i could of at least asked for consent-" Abby placed her finger on my lips, stopping me from speaking this time. "its okay, i just-" she shakes her head "i don't know, lets just go back to bed"

"yeah we should"

and with that, i jumped off the seat as she moved away, and we walked quietly back into the bedroom, laying on the bed.

"goodnight Mace" she said, making me smile "goodnight Abb's"


My eye's shot open when i felt a huge weight drop ontop of me, making me gasp as i lost some air. Taking a deep breath in, i sat up and pushed them off me. "What the hell!" i said, as Elliot just laughed laying next to me. 

"seriously?" i asked, as i sat up looking around "where is everyone?"

"Tyler and Oakley left, their parents wanted them, but we will see them later at school" he spoke, making me nod in response. "and the other's are downstairs getting breakfast"

My mind went straight to Abby. Her beautiful smile. The way her dimples show, and how her eyes squints when she laughs. But then my mind travelled to last night... The almost kiss, and me embarrassing myself, thinking id have a chance with the straight girl.

"come on Macy, get ready for school, i'll be down stairs with the others" Elliot smiles, jumping up and down on my bed before jumping off, walking out of my room. Letting out a little puff of air, i fall backwards, my head hitting against my pillow.

A few minutes have passed by, and i finally found the energy to get up. Forgetting about my wrist, i pushed up using that hand, causing me to wince. "god damn.." i mumble, continuing to get up. Walking over to my wardrobe i grab a black sweatshirt, with a pair of light blue ripped jeans, rolling it at the bottom, and my converse.

Once i was dressed, i made my way down stairs, trying to put my hair up with my bad wrist. "fucking hell" i mumble, looking up from the ground to see all my friends and my dad sitting at the table. 

"Language" my father said, making me roll my eyes with a chuckle. i stopped walking, still trying to put my hair up in a bun, but every time i tried, my wrist would give way. i let out a groan and pull my hair tie out "stupid"

i heard a chuckle come from my left, knowing who it is i look over to him mimicking him "ha ha, funny Elliot"

Abby then stands up and grabs my, sitting me down in her seat. I looked at her confused, when she just turns my head to face the front "stay still" she said, making me look straight a head.

i didn't know what Abby was doing, but at first i felt her run her fingers through my hair, then start to braid it?

After awhile, Abby tapped my shoulders, and squeezed it making me turn around and look at her "i'm all done" she smiled, making me smile. "thank you" i whispered, but she somehow heard me. 

Standing up i made my way into the kitchen and grabbed an apple, Abby then followed "you need to wrap up your wrist" she said, as she grabbed my wrist. "ouch" i mumbled, as i looked away. 

"hey" she whispered, tilting my head to look at her. "are you okay?" she asked, i just nodded. But knowing her she probably didn't believe me. "where is your first aid kit Mr Clide?" 

My dad looked at her confused and then pointed to the kitchen cupboard "is everything okay?" he asked, Abby replying "she is okay, just sprained her wrist badly.."

i couldn't stop staring at Abby. She was so caring.. which made it hard to get rid of these feelings i have started gaining for her. I looked down when i saw Abby grab my hand, starting to wrap it up slowly in a bandage. "keep wrapping it up for a few days, and if it doesn't get better see a doctor" she said smiling.

I looked up, looking into her brown eyes. i kept staring at her, i couldn't not look and take in her beauty. Her curly brown hair, and her freckles. Why was she so gorgeous? Like how can someone Legally be this beautiful....

I heard someone clear their throat, and i realised that i was staring, so i quickly looked away and looked to Elliot. "so let's head to school huh?"

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐞𝐬 (GxG) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now