A Gliding Memory

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After being in Ethereal Isles, the vacation is approaching a swift finish. Jackson, Martin, Renet, and the Rabeaus have been enjoying their time in this tropical paradise with not a care in world.
Jackson: "Who would have thought that Taciana and I would have our own private summer house built for us on Isla Kalma after these past two and a half months?"
Jackson stands up to stretch in the warmth of the subtropical morning sun. Taciana is still resting while he quietly tiptoes to the almost depleted fridge and grabs some berry juice. He then brings it with him to the balcony and takes a seat on the lounge chair. With golden sunshades on, Jackson sips his drink while watching the ever-moving waves of the ocean. Chugging the juice, he shuts his eyes, imagining that he owns an island where he could give tours to furries of all ages.
Taciana: "Guess who?"
Jackson: "Is it an angel?"
Taciana: "Close."
Jackson: "My top investor?"

Taciana: "This should give you a hint. Mmwah."
Jackson: "Hmm, I think I need another hint."
Taciana: "Very funny. Come on. We have one more thing to try on the activities list."

Jackson: "Hang gliding? I was fine with parasailing from the boat and landing in the water, but flying off of the Sevocask Volcano is a little risky. Can't we just enjoy the last day together by the pool like everyone else?"
Taciana: "No Jacky, we are doing this because unlike the other vacationers we are going for the full island experience. Now brush your teeth and groom yourself."
......Fifteen minutes later......
The two put on their swimsuits and trek to the island's volcano, moving through the dense jungle.
Jackson: "This is really high up. Are you sure about this, Tacci?"
Taciana: "As long we are together, we won't fall."
Jackson: "You know what? You are right. We got this down."
They start running, hold on to the hang glider at the same time, then jump.
Jackson: "We did it, baby! We are flying!"
Taciana: "Hey, I can see our summer house from here!"

The pair travel far over the island and notice a large body of water thousands of feet below them.
Taciana: "The high winds are dying down. We should probably find a safe place to land."
Jackson: "You think we could touchdown in that rainy basin below us?"
Taciana: "Maybe, but that is little far from our private summer house."
Jackson: "Okay, so where are we supposed to land?"
Taciana: "How about there?"
She points at the shoreline near the Kalma Suites Hotel.
Jackson: "That works! Dive down!"
The two dive, just barely scraping the sides of a palm tree before landing in the ocean shallows with a big splash. Jackson resurfaces and howls with pride, knowing he would want to do this again someday, while Taciana coughs up salt water. They head back to their private beach house and decide to spend the night dancing to rhythmic island beats on Jackson's smartphone.
......Two hours later......
Jackson: "I can't believe we have to fly back so early in the morning."
Taciana: "I realized that we are going to have to do some job searching once we get back home. Are you open to the idea of working and taking classes?"
Jackson: "I kind of expected a different question, considering the amount of our wealth."
Taciana: "Oh, Jacky, it doesn't matter if we are rich or poor. We still need plenty of valuable work experience to survive."
Jackson: "Wow, that was deep."
Taciana: "I figured you needed the life lesson. And we both need to catch some shut eye in order to wake up early in the morning. You want a snack before sleeping?"
Taciana walks to the kitchen and picks out the last of the fruit for them to share.
Jackson: "A plantain?"
Taciana: "I read that they are good for you. You and I will eat together in the morning. Then we will all eat dinner together once we return to Glassbec."
Jackson: "What will be on the menu tomorrow morning?"
Taciana: "You will have to find out when you wake up. Goodnight, my macho dhole."
She nuzzles up against him before drifting to sleep herself.

Author's Note: "Hey everybody, I present the first chapter of the sequel. Hope you all enjoyed Christmas Day and are prepping for New Year's Day countdown!!! 2021!!! Here we come!!!"

Falling for a Furry: The Rising TerrorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora