Game Of Projections

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Back at the Rabeau estate, Ramona, Martin, Warrick, and Renet are watching a movie.
Warrick: "Does anyone know when Jackson and Taciana are coming back?"
Renet: "The last time I saw him, he was in his engineering class completing a project."
Warrick: "Hmm, alright. I hope they are coming home soon. It isn't safe being out there all night. Especially with the Akosi Mob on the loose."
Ramona: "I'm sure they can take care of themselves."
Jackson: "Hey everyone."
Taciana: "We are back!"
Jackson: "I told you that I am that good at benching close to three-hundred pounds in bar bells."
Taciana: "Oh my gosh, you are so bad."
Jackson: "I got it bad for you."
Taciana: "You and your charm! Hey, I've been thinking about going on a road trip. I was wondering if you would like to take a week off?"
Jackson: "Sure, I am all for it."
The movie ends, and everyone stretches before calling it a night.

..........In Warrick's Room..........
Warrick: "Renet?"
Renet: "Yes, War?"
Warrick: "You ever wonder what your life would be like without spirits of light?"
Renet: "Well, then there wouldn't be any more of those beautiful light shows or balance in our world."
Warrick: "Yeah, I suppose so."
Renet: "Anything else you are thinking of?"
Warrick: "Me and you."
Renet: "Anything else?"
Warrick: "Nah, not really."

......At 6:30am......
Taciana: "Mmmm, Jacky, your alarm is too loud."
Jackson: "I got it."

He turns off the automated alarm clock. The pair get up and handle their usual morning routine before going down for some breakfast.
Warrick: "Morning slowpokes."
Taciana: "Eww, don't chew with your mouth open, Warrick. Those are bad manners."
Warrick: "It's not like anyone cares."
Taciana: "Everyone cares, big brother."
Warrick: "Alright, alright!"

Taciana: "Mom and Dad taught us about proper etiquette at the table, Warrick. You can't besmirch their teachings."
Warrick: "Yeah, I get it. Even if they are not here in the mornings as often anymore."
Taciana: "They are the heads of Rabeau Industries. So yeah, of course they are the original early birds in this family."
Jackson: "Easy, babe. Let's enjoy our morning and eat."
Ramona and Renet came downstairs to the kitchen and pick raspberry pancakes as their breakfast choice, along with some fresh toast. After eating, everyone drives to the campus and reaches class on time. During lunch, all the boys discuss when to meet up for a game that afternoon.
Jackson: "Okay guys, so here is the deal. I found out about a basketball game going down later today. Are you all coming?"
Tobias: "Abby wants me to help her pick out a necklace right after lunch."
Jackson: "Come on dude, you have to make it. It's called supporting our school team."
Brent: "Agreed!"
Nobu: "Ha! You know it bud!"
Derringo: "I may have a two-hour class beforehand, but I can make it."
Tambovu: "I'm down."
......At 4:00pm......
Jackson, Warrick, and Martin take off to go to the Golden Oak stadium on the eastern side of campus with the rest of the guys.
Jackson: "Alright boys, we made it!"
Tobias: "I have been so ready to watch my first official college basketball game!"
Keshin: "Oh yeah, look at the three pointer!"
Tobias: " They cheer on their school's team every time a basket is scored. The boys leave the stadium after the teams congratulate each other on a good game.
Jackson: "Was that game worth it? Or what? Huh?"
Warrick: "Gotta hand it to you, Jackson, that was awesome! I mean, we won! The Golden Oak Owls whipped the Quilldirun Air Eagles!"
Martin: "So choice! Eighty-five to fifty us!"
Nobu: "We will see you all later, bros."
Tambovu: "Yeah, see ya on Sunday for football!"
After saying their farewells for the evening, Jackson receives a call from Opeya, the light brown jackal furry from lunch.
Opeya: "Hello? Is this the right number?"
Jackson: "Depends on who you are asking for."
Opeya: "Please, I need your help with something, and Jia mentioned that you are good at fixing things."
Jackson: "I am."
Opeya: "Okay cool. Could you meet up with me tomorrow afternoon?"
Jackson: "Yeah, sure. I will give it a shot."
Opeya: "Thank you! You are a true-life saver!"
Jackson: "No problem. I'll see you tomorrow."
He hangs up and drives back to the Rabeau mansion.

Authors Note: "Phew this was long, but worth it. Don't worry yourselves, a new chapter is coming!!!"

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