High Scores To Diamond Rings

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It is the start of December and all students at Golden Oak University are prepping or anticipating their final exams.
Taciana and Jackson toss their bags in the car's backseat.

......Hours later......
Jackson: "Phew! Taking three finals in one day is exhausting, but worth it. Please let them all be A's."
He treks back to the parking lot and notices Taciana sitting on the hood of the car with a smug grin on her face.
Taciana: "Hi, Jacky. What took ya? I finished my exams quickly and beat you by one hour."
Jackson: "Alright, alright. You win."
Taciana: "We both did great, Jackson."
Jackson drives through the gates of the Rabeau estate and parks next to Warrick's car. They open the door and see Mr. Budon on the couch listening to classical music.
Taciana: "Hi, Mr. Budon! Did Shermie behave himself?"
Mr. Budon: "Master Jackson and Miss Taciana, things couldn't have been smoother. Though, Sherman kept pointing at the television. I believe he was trying to say that he wanted to watch something, but I have no clue what he likes."
Taciana: "Oh, he likes the Adventure Kids channel."
Mr. Budon: "I'll remember that for the next time should you need a helping paw with your son. He is in his room taking a nap."
Taciana: "Jacky? Can you pay Mr. Budon this time?"
Jackson: "Here you go."
He hands him a fifty-dollar bill from his wallet.
Mr. Budon: "Much appreciated, Master Jackson. You two have a pleasant afternoon."
......The following day......
A new morning rises over the town of Glassbec.
Jackson: "I might as well go early if I'm going to pick up a few things for Taciana and a gift for everyone else."
However, as he opens the door, Taciana sluggishly wakes up.
Taciana: "Good morning, handsome. Where are you going?"
Jackson: "Just out for some early Christmas shopping."
Taciana: "You don't need to strain yourself to make me and the others happy. Just relax and I will take Sherman out while I'm shopping today."
Jackson: "Hmm, alright. But I still plan on getting you something special for Christmas today."
Sherman starts whimpering and begins crying.
Jackson: "I got him, babe."

......In Sherman's room......
Sherman: "Me... hungry."
Jackson: "Momma is making some food now."
Taciana: "Flapjacks are nearly ready, hun."
Jackson: "Good. Then I can have all the pancakes for myself."
Sherman: "Me have fwapjack?"
Jackson: "You want one too? Hahahaha, okay son."
Taciana: "There you are, my gentlemen."
Sherman: "Thank, Momma."

......At the end of his work shift......
Jackson is processing his last set of data entries and submits them to his boss.

Mr. Darves: "Very proficient. I might offer you a promotion next year."
Jackson: "I dabbled with data coding, planning, mining, and entry sorting previously."
Mr. Darves: "Alright, Mr. Tontione, you are free for the day. I will see you first thing tomorrow."
......On the road......
Jackson: "Not bad for a starter job. Jackson the data analyst. Okay, just one last thing to do. Gotta buy a ring."
Jackson takes left turn into a large plaza and finds a parking space away from other vehicles.
Civet Cat Clerk: "Hello there, good sir. Welcome to Slated Jewelers. How can I help you?"
Jackson: "Hi, I am looking to a buy a ring with a large diamond in the center."
Male Civet Cat Clerk: "Ahh, you've come to right place! Is it for a special lady friend?"
Jackson: "Yeah, it's for my girlfriend. How about the biggest one there?"
Male Civet Cat Clerk: "Oh, that is a very good choice, sir. I assume your lady has exquisite taste. If you were to purchase this, I could sell it to you for eight-thousand dollars. May it bring great joy to your lady friend, Jackson Tontione."
......Minutes later......
Jackson goes home to the Rabeau estate and makes his way to the guest house.
Taciana: "Hi handsome, how was work?"
Jackson: "It was smooth and productive, milady. Also, I have been itching to know the results of our final exams. How did those go?"
Taciana: "It is all good news cause we both ended up with all A's!"
Jackson: "Hahaha! Oh yeah! What a night!"
Taciana: "Hehe, okay. Come on, help me wrap up these last fifty gifts I bought."
Jackson: "Fifty of them?"
Taciana: "The faster we start, the earlier we can enjoy each other and maybe turn on a good flick."
Jackson: "Hmm, keep talking."
Taciana: "I'll let you open two presents early and if you promise to take me for a nice romantic date on Christmas Eve."
Jackson: "You drive a compelling bargain."

......Four hours and ten minutes later......
Jackson: "Finally. All fifty of the presents are wrapped."
Taciana: "Let's go see a movie. Anything you want."
Jackson: "I have the perfect film to fit the Christmas spirit. It is called Rover's Holiday. I found it on a streaming service called Pawfilms Plus."

Authors Note: "Another chapter in the bag! Get ready for next one folks because the best of  holidays of the year are coming!"

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