A Call To Battle

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Jackson: "Now that was a satisfying dinner. We should go to that place more often, Tacci."
Denke: "I agree, the food was absolutely robust, especially the way they make well done steak."
Tawny: "You forgot to maintain your manners."
Denke: "I can't enjoy a good meal with my claws unsheathed? Come on Tawny, I couldn't resist it, and I know you like it when I rub you with my claws."
Tawny: "This is true, but you have to try a new tactic in order to make me feel better."
Denke: "I have plenty of tactics that will surprise you."
Tawny: "What would they be, my big, strong jaguar?"
Denke: "You will have to find out later at my place next week."
Denke and Tawny share a quick kiss before separating from each other.
Denke: "You three have a good night. My folks just texted me to come back to help them with some home arrangements."
Tawny: "Be careful when moving things around, okay? I don't want my man getting injured."
Denke: "I will be alright, bae. No worries."
He starts up his ride and drives toward home.
Jackson: "So? Off to the guest house?"
Taciana: "You read my mind, Jacky. But aren't you forgetting someone?"
Jackson: "Oh right. Sherman."
Tawny: "Well, I'll leave you three alone."
Taciana: "I think our third butler, Graham, took care of him today. So, they must be in the living room since he is usually dusting there at this time."
Jackson: "Okay, let's go get him."
They walk to the large living room and find Sherman playing with a toy while Graham is dusting the family heirlooms and artifacts.
Taciana: "Hey, Shermie!"
Jackson: "Hi, buddy. How's it going?"
Taciana: "Come to Momma."
Sherman: "Hungry."
Taciana: "Aww, he wants you to feed him again."
Jackson: "Isn't already past dinner time? I mean, don't your butlers know how to feed a kid?"
Graham: "For the record, young furry, we were only paid to watch him, not feed him."
Taciana: "It's fine, Jacky. We can feed him together."
Jackson: "Why can't we just take him to the guest house and pour him a bowl of meat sauce?"
Taciana: "Babe, he cannot eat meat by himself. He needs it mashed first."
Jackson: "Alright then. Let's get mashing."
Jackson and Taciana enter the guest house to make a mushed meal for Sherman.
Jackson: "There you go Sherman, mushed cuisine. Eat up."
Sherman: "Cuisi?
Taciana: "Yeah, Shermie. Cuisine is like really good food. Can you say it one more time for me again?"
Sherman: "Cuisi."
Taciana: "Hehe. You almost got it. Don't worry, you'll talk in full sentences when you are much older."
Jackson: "Now it is chilling time."
He sits on the couch and turns on the large plasma screen.
Jackson: "Alright, "King of Worlds. That's what I am talking about. This is gonna be good."
......Thirty-two minutes later......
Taciana and Sherman cuddle up close to Jackson during the middle of the show and fall asleep. Jackson chuckles and turns off the television.
Jackson: "I guess we could sleep here."
He then drifts into slumber as well.
Terrine is with her friends Kasweri the lioness and Veronica the rabbit at her house, partying.
Terrine: "The dancing never stops. Nah!"
Kasweri: "Hahaha!"
Veronica: "Yeah!"
Terrine: "Well partied like pop stars, so what else do we do? I mean it's already 1:00 am."
Kasweri: "Ooh! How about we play Truth or Dare first?"
Veronica: "That sounds like fun."
Kasweri: "Who wants to go first?"
Veronica: "I will go first."
Terrine: "Veronica. Truth or dare?"
Veronica: "Dare."
Terrine: "I dare you to run around in fifty circles around us."
Veronica: "That is too easy."
She runs really fast fifty times around the group and hops back into her spot.
Veronica: "Dare is complete."
Terrine: "I am surprised. Nice job."
Veronica: "Now I will give the next one to Kasweri."
Kasweri: "Okay then."
Veronica: "Truth or dare?"
Kasweri: "Hmm? Truth."
Veronica: "Is it true that you have a crush on Errol Goodwin? The bear furry in our calculus class?"
Kasweri: "I change my mind to do a dare."
Veronica: "Nope. You cannot change the choice now."
Kasweri: "Okay, yes, I have a huge crush on him. Can we move on now?"
Veronica: "Aww, you are in love with a nerd."
Kasweri: "He isn't a nerd!"
Veronica: "Okay, okay, don't get all defensive, girlfriend. We are just playing a game."
Terrine: "Anyway, what question do you have for me?"
Kasweri: "Okay, here we go. Truth or dare?"
Terrine: "Dare."
Kasweri: "I dare you to prank call the Orson family. Their son is annoying and is always following me every time he sees me."
Terrine: "Hahaha! Classic child crush."
Kasweri: "What?"
Terrine: "Some furries at a very young age end up liking someone much older for a few years, but then they forget afterwards and move with their own lives."
Kasweri: "Well, he better get over it because I'm sick of it."
Terrine: "Anyway, here comes the dare."
She calls the Orson's home phone.
Terrine: "Hello, this is beasure."
Mrs. Orson: "Beasure who?"
Terrine: "Imma being sure of your gullible face!"
Mrs. Orson: "Excuse me?"
Terrine, Kasweri, and Veronica laugh hang up.
Mrs. Orson: "Ugh, so rude and childish."
......At 4:00 am......
Early in the morning, strange figures skulk in the shadows on campus grounds.
The first on the scene is an Akosi member holding a suppressed pistol in his paws.
Akosi Member 1: "Kavinozo, we have a visual on a few set targets for liberation."
Kavinozo: "Remember, we need to get this done before 6:00 am to avoid suspicion."
Akosi Member 1: "Yes, Kavinozo."
He turns off his comm link and sneaks into Terrine's house with six other Akosi goons.
The crew search the house and find the three girls asleep. They try to restrain them, but the girls fight back as hard they possibly can.
Akosi Member 1: "Hold them down already!"
Akosi Member 2: "We are!"
Terrine kicks one of them in the stomach.
Akosi Member 3: "Ahh, dang it! I am gonna kill that one!"
Akosi Member 1: "No! Kavinozo needs them alive for the next phase of the plan!"
Akosi Member 4: "Screw that plan! Let's just rob them!"
Akosi Member 5: "This is not getting the job done, guys!"
Akosi Member 6: "Oh for goodness's sake!"
He takes out a small tranq gun and shoots the girls.
Akosi Member 6: "You are all welcome. Now let's go."
The Akosi members rush the through the place and start ransacking the house while three henchmen take Terrine, Kasweri, and Veronica to the trunks of their vehicles.
......At 7:30am in the morning......
Jackson wakes up to the sun's rays shining on his face and notices Taciana is still asleep with little Sherman in her arms.
Jackson: "It feels good to wake up to a new day."
Taciana: "Good morning, my muscular sugar dhole."
Jackson and Taciana start making breakfast together for Sherman and themselves.
......Fifteen minutes later......
The trio feast on a healthy and protein filled breakfast. Jackson's mouth waters at the sight of the fat free sausage and bacon on the table, while Taciana uses a fork to dig into the watermelon and fruit salad.
Jackson: "It is your turn to feed him."
Taciana: "That won't be necessary, my beloved."
Jackson: "Why is that?"
Taciana: "Look."
Jackson notices Sherman sucking on the bottle of milk on his own.
Jackson: "He is a clever one, isn't he? He takes after both of us because he's grabbing the napkin we placed near his bowl of apple sauce."
Taciana: "It is important to maintain your manners, Jacky."
Jackson: "Yeah, true. However, there are some things that taste better on your paws. Ain't that right, kiddo?"
He tickles Sherman's neck which causes the little wolf furry to laugh cheerfully.
Sherman: "Hahaha!"
Jackson: "See? He agrees with me."
A knock at the door is heard and Taciana opens it up, revealing the panicked face of Warrick.
Warrick: "Listen, you two need to see this!"
Taciana: "Just calmly explain and then show us."
Warrick: "I want you to look at the news because I think the campus got hit last night."
Jackson: "Hit by who?"
Warrick grabs the remote to turn on the television.
Jimmy: "This is Jimmy Findello on the Worldwide Furry Network. Reports are in about houses on the Golden Oak Community College campus being robbed. It is also believed that several young furries have gone missing."
Jackson: "The task force has no idea where to start, do they?"
Taciana: "Jackson, don't even think about it."
Jackson: "What?"
Taciana: "You were thinking about going out there and rescuing all the missing furries by yourself. Weren't you?"
Jackson: "No, I was thinking that I could use a suit to cover my appearance when I am in battle."
Taciana: "What? No! It is too dangerous to take them on by yourself! Please, just let the task force handle this."
Jackson: "I was given a gift to protect this world, and I think I can handle a few goons from a crew I've beaten before."
Taciana: "What am I supposed to do? Just pray that you'll come back unscathed? What if someone finds a way to hurt you!"
Jackson: "Tacci, come on."
Taciana: "What if they find out about me or Sherman? Or everyone else in our family?"
Jackson: "It will all work out. I possess the spiritual power to stop them in their tracks."
Taciana: "But you don't know what might happen."
Jackson: "I promise I won't come back covered in bruises."
Taciana: "Please, don't do it, honey. Please? You have no idea how many of them there are."
Jackson: "Shush. It will be fine."
Taciana: "Wait! Keep this amulet. It will protect you."
She gives him a teal amulet with the symbol of light.
Jackson: "Thanks, Tacci. I will be back."
......Meanwhile at the campus......
The Glassbec Task Force has been searching each of the raided households.
Quentin: "Okay, listen up! Based on all the evidence we found so far; it appears that we will need all of our available units today! We have at least fifteen furries missing from the campus grounds. One team will go with me and Team Two will go with Captain Talvenger."
Task Force Operative: "Uh, sir?"
Quentin: "Yes, Pt. Calvin?"
Pt. Calvin: "If we are going to find missing furries, shouldn't we get everyone else back at headquarters?"
The whole team laughs with a slight uproar at his comment.
Quentin: "Enough! Pt. Calvin, tell everyone to aim properly at the enemy. You should already know that the Akosi Mob is nothing like the Clawtooth Clan. Their organization extends to several underground locations across Glassbec, Coastal City, and up in the northern district in Arkson City."
Ramirez: "I have a buddy in Arkson City who has been tracking a lead on a possible encampment on the border between there and Glassbec."
Quentin: "Good, tell him to report anything else he sees."
Ramirez: "Yes, Captain."
Quentin: "Alright, now everyone knows the plan, correct?"
The crowd of task force operatives murmurs amongst themselves.
Quentin: "I don't think you all heard me! Are you ready, men?"
Operatives: "Yes sir!"
Quentin: "Good! Now! We find every last one of the Akosi Mob and bring them to justice!"
The whole crowd of task force operatives begins entering their vehicles and rolling out.
Quentin: "Talvenger, we will take point as soon as we find the first Akosi lair."
Talvenger: "Good. I have been itching to add up my kill count."
Quentin: "We are not supposed to kill them unless all other options have been utilized. That is what separates us from the criminal element."
Talvenger: "Quentin, they aren't going to surrender the second we show up. They are going to start shooting at us."
Quentin: "Just follow my lead, Talvenger."
Talvenger: "Alright, alright. We'll go along with your plan."
Quentin: "Good. Time to roll."
They start up a hyper-electric Humvee and lead the task force convey towards the last known location of Akosi activity.
Jackson arrives at the first campus house that was raided and walks past the crime scene tape to look for evidence that could lead to one of the Akosi Mob hideouts.

He finds a familiar bracelet with the slight scent of perfume on it.
Jackson: "Smells like that perfume Terrine always wears. This must be her dorm house."
He thinks for a moment and calls Quentin on his smartphone.
Jackson: "Captain Riles?"
Quentin: "Jackson, I am a little busy right now."
Jackson: "I think one of my friends was kidnapped."
Quentin: "Okay, I will look into it once we deal with the Akosi problem."
Jackson: "I think was the Akosi that took her. I found a small piece of clothing that belongs to one of them. I'm sure I can help you find them. I have a power that allows me to sense the spiritual energy in a surrounding area."
Quentin: "You are joking, right? And do you not have class or something?"
Jackson: "The classwork I have for today is online only."
Quentin: "Okay, I'll send a location to your phone."
Jackson: "The Retcher's construction site?"
Quentin: "It has been abandoned since the Glassbec mayor deemed it an unsafe area."
Jackson: "Alright, on my way there now."
He walks back outside the damaged house and starts up his car.
Jackson: "Another call to a possible battle. I pray this will be an honorable win."

Author's Note: "Chapter 22 is complete!!! A new chapter is currently underway!

Falling for a Furry: The Rising TerrorWhere stories live. Discover now