The Museum Standoff

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In the museum lobby, every furry is panicked for their lives with the threat outside.
Jackson: "Everyone! Calm down!"
Despite his efforts, nothing works, and the crowd keep panicking.
Jackson: "Okay, this is not working... What to do?"
Taciana: "Jackson! Look! The intercom!"
Jackson: "Good idea, Tacci! Be right back!"
As the museum patrons keep screaming, Jackson grabs microphone and plays the feedback over the intercom to make them quiet down. Everyone stops and stares at him.
Jackson: "Listen! I don't know how, but the Akosi have invaded Glassbec and they aren't alone, because Vakatarus has returned. However, you do not have to worry. I have a plan to capture all of them and keep you safe."
Female Mongoose Furry: "How are we supposed to fight against them?"
Male Groundhog Furry: "We can't take on a dark spirit."
Jackson: "I know it seems scary, but we need to stand strong and show them that we are not afraid of their tyranny."
Taciana: "Jackson is right. We can't just live in fear and allow the Akosi to dictate our peaceful way of life!"
Suddenly, the barricaded rotating doors are bashed from the outside.
Jackson: "Everyone scatter and stay hidden!"
The museum patrons rush to hide.
Jackson: "That means you two as well."
Taciana: "Jacky, I can help you stop them from getting in. You don't have to do this alone."
Jackson: "You need to keep Sherman safe and calm, because those Akosi are going to be breaking in here at any moment."
Taciana hides with Sherman.

Jackson: "Dang it. There could be forty or fifty of these guys trying to break in. Distracting all of them might be a tough endeavor. Unless...unless I make a noise loud enough to deter them."
Jackson uses his powers to break a fire hydrant, causing water to spew up into the air.
Akosi Mobster: "What the heck was that?"
Rajun: "Fire hydrants don't just pop open by themselves."
Six mobsters search the exterior of the museum, while Rajun and the others kept bashing the doors.
Akosi Mobster 1: "Remember, he wants him alive so the big boss can finish him off himself."
Akosi Member 2: "Gotta tell you, the boss planned this whole thing like a military operation."
Akosi Mobster 3: "Hehe, yeah. There ain't no way we're going to lose."
Akosi Mobster 4: "Hey guys! Check it out."
He points at the back entrance with a combo lock.
Akosi Mobster 1: "It's a combo lock. Genius."
Akosi Mobster 5: "Not for long."

He fires his sub-machine gun at the lock and opens the door.
Akosi Mobster 5: "Presto! Now let's go have some fun and take some hostages!"
Jackson: "No way."
He fires a concentrated blast of pure energy at the troublemakers, rendering them completely unconscious.

Rajun and a small contingent of Akosi furries break into the museum via the rotating doors.
Rajun: "Haha! We did it! Round them all up!"
They all cock their guns and aim at Taciana and Sherman.
Taciana: "No! Please stop! He's only a baby!"
Rajun: "Hehe, relax, rabbit. Your boyfriend ain't coming because he will be too busy dealing with a few friends of ours."
Akosi Gang Member 3: "Hehe, yeah, we get away with a lot of things! We even have an army!"
Out of nowhere, Jackson springs in with a powerful spirit energy blast and a roundhouse kick to one of the gang members. He kicks a gun away from a second and knocks him out with a paralyzing nerve technique.
Jackson: "Good thing I kept up with that martial arts training video I picked up on the island."
Rajun: "The Akosi will rule and furries will be free to take what they desire from wherever they please!"
Jackson: "You cannot talk about power and freedom when your crew tries to murder innocents!"
The fight rages on until a gunshot rings out and Rajun hits the floor with an injured shoulder. Taciana breathes heavily and tosses the gun to the ground.
Taciana: "Are you alright, Jacky?"
Jackson: "Much better. Thanks, beautiful."
Rajun: "You think this is over? This is merely the beginning of what is about to rain down on this town. Hehehahahaha!"
Jackson knocks him out completely with a swift kick to his head.
Jackson: "Unfortunately, he is right. I cannot risk anyone else's life. Not even yours or Sherman's."
Taciana: "Babe, the task force is coming. You don't need to go out there and risk your life."
Jackson: "Tacci, the task force can only ever do so much. Someone needs to defend this town and the other cities from the tyranny of these criminals. Call everyone you know and tell them to stay inside their homes and hide."
Taciana: "Alright, but you better come home to me."
Jackson: "Have faith, my lovely bunny."
Taciana: "I have way more than that. Good luck out there, Jacky."
......Back at the Rabeau estate......
Bolton and Saba watch the current news report about the Akosi Gang's latest attacks.
Saba: "My goodness. Honey, what is becoming of this town?"
Bolton: "I do not know, Saba, but Jackson and the authorities have to act as soon as possible."
Saba: "Where are the kids at? They should not be out there with those hooligans running around."
Bolton: "Everyone came back, a while ago."
Saba: "Wait, where are Jackson, Taciana, and Sherman?"

......Fifteen minutes later......
After driving with great haste, Taciana parks at the Rabeau estate's parkway and carries Sherman inside with her.
Taciana: "Mom! Dad!"
Saba: "Oh, Taciana! You are okay."
Bolton: "What is happening out there? Where's Jackson?"
Taciana: "The Akosi attacked us and many others at the Natural History and Marine Museum."
Saba: "Bolton, we need to believe that he will make it and the light spirits of Boaguai will help him."
Bolton: "I'll try that, but it won't be easy."
Taciana: "He promised me that he would always come back to me no matter where he goes."
Warrick: "Hey, sis! We heard about what happened at the museum."
Renet: "Are you alright?"
Taciana: "I'm fine. I am so worried about Jackson right now. What if those heathens unleash Vakatarus again?"
Warrick: "Look, just calm down. I know him. I am certain he will make it.
Taciana: "He is going up against an army, Warrick."
Warrick: "He has spirit energy powers flowing through him. Just wait and see. The dude's got guts."
Taciana: "Spirits of Boaguai, please watch over my Jackson and ensure his safe return to me and our son."

Authors Note: "Another chapter down! Be ready, there me be some high intensity in the next one."

Falling for a Furry: The Rising TerrorWhere stories live. Discover now