The Union Of Two Souls

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......Six days later......
It is now New Year's Eve and the matrimony of Jackson Tontione and Taciana Rabeau has finally arrived. On one side of the spirit mountain, Bolton, Warrick, Tobias, Yahar, Keshin, Nobu, Tambovu, Brent, Obadiah, Denke, Okar, Keshin, and Miles help Jackson get ready for the ceremonial soul union. The other side of the mountain shows Saba, Sophia, Carina, Renet, Amber, Abby, Natasha, Serena, Syeuka, Suraia, Terrine, Plia, Celia, Opala, Ramona, Varia, and Tawny helping Taciana fit into her wedding dress.
......Jackson's side of the mountain......
Jackson: "Phew guys, I am getting a little nervous."
Warrick: "Dude, chill. I'm sure she is feeling the same way at this moment."
Bolton: "Relax, kid. I was a mess the whole time during my soul union with Saba."
Jackson: "Yeah. I got this. Easy peasy."
......Taciana's side of the mountain......
Taciana: "Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! I am getting cramps and I'm feeling so shaky!"
Ramona: "Girl, if he loves you then I think he's nervous too."
Taciana: "Are you sure? Cause I feel like I am overheating in this dress."
Natasha: "Here, have some water."
Carina: "As your maid of honor, you can trust me. Things will work out."
Taciana: "Yeah, yeah okay. You are right, bestie. This is my day."
After the whole congregation treks up to the peak of Boaguai, they all take their seats.
The minister prepares himself to wed Jackson and Taciana. Jackson goes up the altar. Minutes later, Bolton walks Taciana down the aisle.
Minister Yanric: "Friends and family, welcome to the matrimonial soul union of Taciana Rabeau and Jackson Tontione. It is time for the groom and the bride to say their vows."
Taciana: "Jackson Tontione, you have been the light of my heart. Every day you fill me with joy and protect me with your life. I promise to always cherish you, respect you, adore you, and give nothing but kindness and my love."
Jackson: "Taciana Rabeau, ever since I first awakened from stasis, I thought that I'd never see another day until you came along. Especially that one moment when you confessed your true feelings for me on my first day at Wild Eye High. I promise to be there for you and Sherman, even on the darkest of days."
Minister Yanric: "Dearly beloved, if anyone objects to this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace."
Everyone looks around out of curiosity before looking forward once again.
Minister Yanric: "Okay, then. Taciana, do you take Jackson to be your lifelong mate?"
Taciana: "I do."
Minister Yanric: "Do you, Jackson, take Taciana to be your lifelong mate?"
Jackson: "Yes, indeed."
Minister Yanric: "Then by the powers invested in me by the great light spirits above and the town of Glassbec, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."
Jackson and Taciana passionately kiss for twenty seconds before their lips separate. The clear sign of love in their eyes was a hint of what was to come next. The newly wedded couple jumps the broom and the whole crowd cheers as the cameras are rolling.
Minister Yanric: "Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Jackson and Taciana Tontione!"
The DJ starts playing music. Everyone moves around the mountaintop to converse and dance. The DJ starts the requested song called "The Movement Of Joy."
Taciana: "You remembered one of the first songs we first danced to?"
Jackson: "Of course. I wouldn't forget about our first dance."
Taciana: "You are the most amazing husband ever!"
Jackson: "Care to dance with me, my lovely bunny?"
Taciana: "I would be so delighted, Jacky boo."
Soon, the DJ announces it is time for the groom and bride to dance with their parents.
Jackson: "Oy vey. Kinda odd since my parents aren't exactly around."
Taciana: "It's okay, my beloved dhole. We can dance with my parents."
Jackson slow dances with Taciana's mother, while Taciana dances with her father.
Bolton: "So was this everything you expected on your special day?"
Taciana: "Yes, Daddy. It felt magical."
Jackson: "Oh, there is one last thing I have to do before we cut the cake."
Saba: "What is that?"
Jackson: "Just a little something I wrote down."
He goes up on the stage area and grabs a microphone.
Jackson: "Can I have everyone's attention? Before we all start partying and enjoying the refreshments, I wanna dedicate this song to my forest rose, my precious wife, Taciana."
......Jackson's Song......
The Effect You Have On Me
I really hope this expresses the way I feel,
And it is all because of your love,
A feeling of the moment you arrived,
Those eyes shining like a star,
You have the greatest effect on me,
So many days it has been, girl,
Yes, I have seen you in my dreams,
With that great effect on me,
Yes! It's all because of that effect,
The effect you have on me,
Yes! The effect you have on me,
Even if our lives change forever,
Yet we are meant to be together,
Our future being so bright like sun,
Nothing can hurt us now or ever,
Not with the effect you have on me,
The great effect you have on me.
......Song ends......
The crowd cheers and claps in amazement. Jackson bows while stepping off the stage.
Warrick: "Nice going, new bro-in-law!"
Nobu: "You totally nailed that song!"
Taciana: "Jacky, that was astounding!"
Otter Photographer: "Okay now! Say, Happy New Year!"
Jackson: "Happy New Year!"
Taciana: "Happy New Year!"
Otter Photographer: "Perfecto! You both look so great in this one!"
Taciana: "Alright, ladies! Time to see who can catch my bouquet!"
Every girl furry gathers and waits for Taciana to throw the bundle of flowers in the air.
Taciana: "Okay! Three! Two! One!"
She turns her back and throws the flower bouquet backward. It lands in Syeuka's paws, and she cheers for herself while the other furry girls laugh out of fun.
Tambovu: "Hmm, just as well. It adds to the natural beauty that radiates from your eyes."
Syeuka: "Hehehe! When we get married, I may wish for sunflowers."
......A while later......
Jackson and Taciana enter inside of a chopper along with little Sherman. The outside of it has a green ribbon on the side saying, "Just Hitched."
Jackson: "Are you both ready to fly?"
Taciana: "I sure am, my beloved husband."
Sherman: "Fly! Fly!"
Jackson: "Ahem. Pilot! Take us to Isla Kalma!"
Panda Furry Pilot: "You are the boss, chief."
Taciana: "We are going to our summer house?"
Jackson: "That's right, babe."
Taciana: "This honeymoon will be so romantic and fun!"
Jackson: "You said it, beautiful. Prepare for lift off! Whoo! Yeah!"
The newlyweds sit close to each as they are flown away into the night.

Author's Note: "Such a precious chapter! I even shedded some tears while creating it. Get ready for the next to last chapter y'all!"

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