The Intrusion

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Jackson: "You were right, Taciana., Mr. Budon really knows how to put the C in clean."
Taciana: "Hehe. I told you there wouldn't be any problems while we were away."
Taciana goes into Sherman's room and sees him crawling around his crib. Sherman smiles at the sight of his parents and shows them his toy.
Sherman: "Car."
Taciana: "Yes, that is nice car, kiddo. Good job."
Jackson sets Sherman down to go and check on Erasmus.
Jackson: "Erasmus! How are you doing?"
Taciana: "Um...honey? I think it would be best if Erasmus slept outside the guest house."
Jackson: "What is wrong with him sleeping in here?"
Taciana: "I don't want him sleeping near me because he always leaves a mess after eating those meat scraps you feed him."
Jackson: "Erasmus is like our second line of defense in case we have any intruders that might rob the guest house or the mansion. If he makes a mess, I'll clean it and have him sleep outside."

Somewhere deep in the forest of Tuataray, the Akosi Mob's top goons are forming a plan without their boss, Kavinozo, knowing.
Walden: "First, we will find a suitable victim to free the dark spirit, Vakatarus. He will need to feed off of a victim's light essence to overwhelm the dimensional rift that imprisons him."
Pezanata: "What if we just use that Jackson guy's kid as a sacrifice?"
Creteus: "How are we even going to snatch the kid if he is living on the estate of one of the richest families in Glassbec?"
Walden: "Two of my guys got us photos and recorded footage from the spy drones Phillip made a while back. These will give us clues on how to infiltrate the estate with tripping any alarms. Rest up and get ready."

......At 2:00 am......
Walden: "Alright, we are here. All we have to do is pick the lock on the guest house door and sneak in."
Anon: "Can we get this over with, you guys? I already feel on edge because the boss has no idea about this plan of ours."
Walden: "We move in fast and take the kid for the sacrifice! Now let's do this!"
Creteus: "Why are we doing this? Couldn't we just summon Vakatarus another way?"
Walden: "I'm tired of your questions! If you are really one of us, get in there and take the child."
The three sneak closer to the guest house and peek in before picking the locked door. Anon uses his natural night vision to check out the surrounding environment within the guest house.
Anon: "Come on! I got the scent of the child. He is in the room close to the back."
Creteus: "Let's just grab him and get out of here."
Pezanata grabs the little furry and wraps him up. The three sneak outside and see Walden and the other mobsters waiting impatiently.
Walden: "Did you all find the kid?"
Creteus: "He is right here."
Walden: "Finally, we have our willing sacrifice. Vakatarus will be pleased. Once he is free, he shall grant us a taste of his power and help us spread darkness all over Glassbec, Coastal City, Arkson City, and then the rest of North Animalia."
Pezanata: "I wonder if we could end up expanding to South Animalia. I know a few furries down there who could be useful to the Akosi's cause. Thus, controlling everything."
Walden: "I will keep that in mind, Pezanata, but first we need to get off the estate grounds and lie low. I am certain that Jackson will be looking for his kid in the morning."
Suddenly, Sherman sneezes and starts crying. His cries are so loud it alerts the everyone on the estate and causes Jackson and Taciana to wake up.
Jackson: "How is he outside?"
Taciana: "Where is our son?"
Jackson: "Erasmus! Come!"

The three run across the yard to see Walden and his cohorts climbing the stone barrier that separates the estate grounds from the wooded areas.
Jackson: "Erasmus! Chase them down!"
Erasmus runs faster and jumps over stone barrier. He then pounces on the one that has Sherman and bites down on her leg. The Akosi group shoot at the wild panther, but Jackson uses his spirit energy shield ability to protect Sherman and Erasmus for as long as possible.
Jackson: "Tacci! Get Sherman! I will handle these guys!"
Taciana swiftly runs inside the spirit shield and holds Sherman close to her as the skirmish continues. Sherman cries and hugs Taciana tight, while shivering with fear. Jackson uses his powers to levitate them in the air and toss all five against the stone barrier.
Jackson: "You Akosi scum wanting to take over Glassbec is one thing, but stealing my son in the dead of night was a foolish move to make! Who sent you? You attack my family and think you can get away with it. I cannot let this go!"
Taciana: "Jackson... don't go down that path."
Jackson: "Erasmus! Sic 'em all!"
Erasmus roars loudly and crunches on Anon's left leg, then attacks the others, mauling each one with his teeth and claws. He roars at the injured Akosi and walks back to Jackson's side.
Jackson: "Do you want to tell me what your plan is now?"
Walden: "Vakatarus! We were told by Vakatarus to find a victim for him. To consume the life energy so that he could be freed from the dimension you imprisoned him in."
Jackson: "You psychos! You can't release that monster from his prison! Listen up! If you five ever come near me or my family again, a few broken bones will be the least of your worries! Do I make myself clear? Tacci, I know I should not kill, but these guys might end up trying the same thing again and steal Sherman from us."
Taciana: "Bae, I know they are criminals, but we cannot stoop to their level. You almost killed one of them until I stopped you."
Jackson: "It was a minor slip, and they were about to hurt Sherman and Erasmus. I had to do something."
Taciana: "Do you really want our son to be drawn to this kind of violence?"
Walden: "If you are going to finish us off, then do it already."
Jackson heals their wounds with his healing ability.
Creteus: "What are you doing?"
Jackson: "I am healing all of you as a show of good faith and because it is the right thing to do."
Walden: "Great! Let's get out of here, guys!"
Jackson: "You all better tell your boss that the Akosi Mob is done in Glassbec!"
Walden yelps as the group follows him into their chopper and flies off into the distance.
Taciana: "Jackson, that was one of the most righteous acts I have ever seen you do. Thank you for not taking things too far with your powers."
Jackson: "You were right, Taciana. I did almost lose control. I never meant to frighten you or our son like that."
Bolton: "Jackson! Taciana!"
Jackson: "Right here, Mr. Rabeau!"
Bolton: "What happened?"
Jackson: "It was a group of Akosi members. They broke into the guest cottage and tried to steal Sherman as a furry sacrifice for the dark spirit, Vakatarus."
Taciana: "Those criminals want to let darkness loose over the land and gain control of every part of North Animalia."
Bolton: "I knew we should have put alarms by the stone barriers behind the estate!"
Saba: "It is okay, hun. At least we know how they got in and how we can keep them out."
Bolton: "We need twenty-four-hour security in case the mobsters get anymore bright ideas."
Jackson: "Sounds like a bright idea. I will also be on the lookout for anything suspicious too."
Bolton: "I am sure you will, Jackson. We will take care of it from here."
Saba: "Get some sleep. I'm sure you three are exhausted after that terrifying experience."
......In the guest house......
Taciana: "Oh, my sweet little baby. I thought I lost you."
Sherman: "Momma. Dada."
Jackson: "Come here you little rascal. Nothing is ever gonna happen to you. Not ever."
With that said, Jackson and Taciana decide Sherman should sleep with them in their room.
Jackson: "Goodnight, you two."
Taciana: "Sleep tight."

Authors Note: "New Chapter is coming! Be ready folks!"

Falling for a Furry: The Rising TerrorWhere stories live. Discover now