The Golden Heart I: Taciana's Early Gift

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As the night rolls on, Jackson is resting his head on the couch with Taciana asleep on his shoulder. One of his smartphone alarms go off.
Jackson: "The alarm went off this late at night?"
Taciana: "Look at you, being a selective alpha male."
Jackson: "I prefer to think of myself as a sigma male, sweet Tacci."
Taciana: "You're really starting to turn me on, Jacky. However, we still have school tomorrow."
Jackson: "I know. I've been thinking a lot about the trip, and I have been itching to give you this surprise gift I bought for you."
Taciana: "Don't worry, I will be super surprised when I see it, Hun."
Jackson: "You sure will, babe. You sure will."
Jackson finds a more comfortable spot on the auto-reclining couch with Taciana lying next to him.
Jackson: "Ahh, time is passing by so fast."
Taciana: "It certainly does, baby. It certainly does."
The pair drift back into slumber.
......Three weeks later......
At the Rabeau guest house, Taciana makes a small dinner for the two of them.
Taciana: "Hey, love! Dinner is ready."
Jackson: "Thanks, Tacci."
Light Spirits in unison.
Taciana: "Jackson. Honey?"
Jackson: "Yeah?"
Taciana: "Do not talk with your mouth full, silly."
Jackson: "You mean like this?"
Taciana: "Gross!"
Jackson grins and swallows.
Taciana: "Anyways, we have to get packed tonight for our week-long trip, remember?"
Jackson: "Darling, I wouldn't miss it for the world."

He pumps his chest and does the peck pop.
Taciana: "If your chest gets even bigger, I might get hypnotized."
Jackson: "You'll have to admire my prowess once we leave tomorrow."
Taciana: "Hehe, I am counting on it."
After chatting for a few more minutes, they go upstairs to their rooms to pack for their trip.
......One hour later......
Taciana: "I will finish bringing out the food if you carry most of the luggage."
Jackson: "Okay, deal. But you have to pack the essentials, bunny boo."
Taciana: "Hehehe, babe, I will have all of that ready and much more."
......The following Sunday morning......
Taciana woke up first this time and she gathered her more special clothes and hid them in an old handbag her mother gave her as a child.
Taciana: "Jacky?"
Jackson: "Time for dreamland, not reality."
He pretends to not hear her and continues sleeping.
Taciana: "Baby, we need to go. Please wake up, honey."
Jackson relents and opens his eyes to see his girlfriend's eyes close to his. He tries to kiss her, but Taciana puts a digit on his mouth.
Taciana: "Babe, you promised that we wouldn't do that until after we reach our destination."
Jackson: "You mean the first part of the weekly activities?"
Taciana: "Yes."
Jackson: "Okay. I will hold off until you have that other surprise you promised."
Taciana: "Hehe, I always have an excellent surprise waiting for you, sugar."
Jackson: "Well, I was going to give this to you later during our private hike, but here."

He gives her a box and watches her open it. She squeals excitedly and holds it up.
Taciana: "Aww, Jackson. You shouldn't have."

Jackson: "This is what your heart looks like to me, Taciana."
Taciana: "Really?"
Jackson: "Yes, every day."
Taciana: "I'll wear this golden heart forever, my love. I think I may reward you sooner than later once we arrive in the woods."
Jackson: "Where did you want to go?"
Taciana: "There is this one spot in the center of the Tuataray Forest where you get the best view of a valley that Ramona and I stumbled into when were little."
Jackson: "Where is this spot located?"
Taciana: "It is a on a mountain known as Boaguai. Mom told me that it's where a lot of the light spirits reside."
Jackson: "Sweet. We are going to a light show!"
Taciana: "Jackson, don't take this lightly. There are rumors of a renegade spirit that haunts the forest."
Jackson: "You mean Vakatarus?"
Taciana: "Yes. How did you know?"

Jackson: "The Estelle sisters told me that the Akosi Mob's goal is to gain control over all of regions and every city's available resource. There is even a possibility that they want to use Vakatarus' power to bathe the world in total darkness."

Taciana: "I hope we don't run into him, because if the Mob has a hideout in the woods, the dark spirit will do anything to gain power. Especially if he has the entire Akosi Mob at his beck and call. We have to be very careful out there, Jacky."
Jackson: "I can take on this Vakatarus. He obviously doesn't know about my awesome powers."
Taciana: "Are you sure about that? Do you even know how to fight a spirit?"
Jackson: "No, but I'll figure it out. Come on, babe, no dark spirit is going to hurt you."

He flexes his right arm.
Taciana: "Hehe, still corny."
Jackson: "Yeah, but you love it."

Taciana: "Okay, smooth operator. Let's go have some breakfast before we go."
Jackson: "Make mine a simple and fit breakfast with egg whites, fruit, and two of your famous flapjacks with mixed berries."
Taciana: "Alright."
Jackson texts his friends about the trip. They wish him safe travels.
......14 minutes later......
The pair are eating as Tawny walks in the kitchen wearing a light blue dress.
Tawny: "Good morning."
Jackson and Taciana: "Good morning."
Taciana: "I suppose Denke offered you a gift?"
Tawny: "Are you kidding? He bought it for me as a surprise!"

She smiles just staring into space.
Taciana: "That is very nice of him."
Tawny: "Glad you two are getting along very well too."
Taciana: "Thank you, Tawny. Oh, and speaking of gifts..."
She reveals her golden heart necklace with tiny diamonds engrained in it.
Tawny: "Girl, this is so shiny!"
Taciana: "Hehe, thanks to my handsome dhole."
Tawny: "Hope you two enjoy your trip to the woods."
Taciana: "Good luck with Denke, little sister."
Jackson and Taciana pack up the last of their luggage into the new family 5020 camper van.
Jackson: "Are you ready to rock and roll?"
Taciana: "Ready."

Jackson starts the van's engine as it propels forward away from the estate.

Author's Note: "Hey everyone!!! Chapter 16 is complete!!! Be ready for the next one!!! It may have a tragic turn of events."

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