The Energy Within

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Fifty-two minutes later, Jackson arrives on the scene noticing the rusty scraps of metal that remain from the Retcher Co. construction site.
Jackson: "Dang, no wonder it was abandoned."
He hears gunfire in distance and stays low to avoid being seen. He takes out his high-powered binoculars and scans from left to right.
Jackson: "Captain Riles was right. A lot of the Akosi are here. It looks like there could be fifty or maybe even sixty over there."
......On the eastern ridge......
Quentin: "Okay, boys, we are closing in on the first Akosi site."
Talvenger: "Sir, I can see them gathering supplies. It must be for something big."
Quentin: "Don't open fire unless I say. Understood?"
The task forces from Glassbec and Coastal City move in to attack the Akosi members.
Akosi Member 1: "You hear about Kavinozo taking those college furries to a pit?"
Akosi Member 2: "Haha! It will be something when we use them to find those rare diamonds."
Akosi Member 1: "The whole gang is going to be rich if we sell those gems on the black market."
Akosi Member 3: "Hey guys, the boss is calling. I am putting him on speaker."
Kavinzo's voice starts talking from the high-tech radio.
Kavinozo: "Alright, listen up, ya mooks. We are going to make sure that we get what we came for this morning! The diamonds of Botanis. Because once we do, we are gonna use them to free Solomon. Alright, now keep searching! Kavinozo out!"
......Minutes later......
Jackson stealthily inches in closer to the construction site and sneaks up behind an Akosi mobster. He kicks the back of the furry's legs and knocks him out with quick jabs to the head.
Jackson: "One down."

He looks around first before moving on to find someone to interrogate.
Jackson: "The one with the comm link might know."
He sneaks in closer and pins the assailant from behind.
Akosi Member 7: "What the crap!"
Jackson: "Keep your mouth shut!"
He pulls the mobster to a secluded spot and ties him up using old rope he found in a maintenance shed.
Jackson: "Now I need to know what you Akosi scumbags are planning."
Akosi Member 7: "Haha! You think I'd tell you? You are nuts."
Jackson: "Okay then, I am trying to be polite here. So, try again."
Akosi Member 7: "Not going to happen, dhole."
Jackson: "Okay, fine. You asked for it."
He uses his power to lift the Akosi up off the ground.
Jackson: "Are you ready to talk now?"
Akosi Member 7: "I'll never give up the plans to you!"
Jackson raises him much higher in the air until the Akosi mobster hits the ceiling window.
Akosi Member 7: "Ow! Crap! Alright! Alright, I will spill the beans! Just stop!"
Jackson's powers recede, causing the goon to descend back down to the ground level.
Akosi Member 7: "They are planning to break Solomon out with these gems called Botanis Diamonds. Kavinozo mentioned they can destroy anything its holder desires. That is all I know!"
Jackson: "I don't think you are telling me everything. Where did you take Terrine and the other furries when you scumbags raided the campus?"
Akosi Member 7: "They are planning to use them as way of digging out the gems."
Jackson: "Where are they located?"
Akosi Member 7: "You will find them in the Caveno Mines where our third group is holding them. It is a few miles east of here!"

Jackson: "Hmm, thanks. But if you are lying me, I will break every single one of your limbs."
Akosi Member 7: "I get the point, hero dog."
A lethal bullet is fired at the Akosi mobster's chest. He coughs up blood and takes a nosedive.
Akosi Member 1: "I should have known something was up the second he didn't report in. He told you everything, didn't he?"
He aims his G-70 machine gun at Jackson.
Jackson: "What do you think, Stripes?"
Akosi Member 1: "Don't patronize me, boy! Get moving!"
Jackson fires an energy orb at the mobster's chest, which causes the maintenance shed to explode. He takes cover behind a rusty bulldozer to avoid the gunshots in his direction.

Akosi Member 2: "He has taken down a man! Smoke him out!"
Jackson fires a large energy orb at the search party and causes them to fall on their backs, rendering them completely unconscious. The last mobster still standing shoots Jackson in the shoulder from behind, while Jackson fires with a burst of spirit energy from his fingertips.
Akosi Member 6: "Ahh, dang it!"
He rubs his arm and winces before trying to fire his gun in Jackson's direction. However, Jackson knocks the gun from his paw and pins the mobster down on the concrete rubble.
Jackson: "Why the sudden rush?"
Akosi Member 6: "I was hoping to get rid of the town hero!"
Jackson: "Where is your boss?"
Akosi Member 6: "Hehehe! He probably has the Botanis Diamonds already! This was part of the plan. My group would be a distraction for you and the task force chumps, while most of the crew force those college kids to dig for the gems."
Jackson: "No!"
Akosi Member 6: "You have lost, Tontione! Hahahaha! Once they have outlived their usefulness, every last one of them will probably be put out of their misery."
Jackson: "I haven't lost yet."
Jackson knocks him out and sighs, wondering how he can reach the Caveno Mines in time. He sees the task force coming down the hill.
Jackson: "Captain Riles? I could have used some backup."
Quentin: "Sorry, Jackson, but we couldn't risk any of our operatives in a straight out fight."
Captain Talvenger: "Look kid, we have got this covered."
Jackson: "Captain Talvenger, I have intel that could help to stop what the Akosi are currently planning."
Captain Talvenger: "Cannot wait to hear this one."
Quentin: "Enough, Rebus! What is the intel, Jackson?"
Jackson: "I questioned one of these guys and they told me that they are planning to destroy the task force headquarters back in Glassbec with a rare sort of combustible gemstone that turns a building to ashes. They are also holding some of my friends and other college kids hostage to use as labor to harvest the gems."
Rebus: "I knew these Akosi were into kidnappings and robberies, but this seems a little too extreme. Even for them."
Ramirez: "They are changing their methods most likely."
Quentin: "Whatever the case, we need to stop them before they cause more serious problems."
Jackson: "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!"
Quentin: "You should be in class, Jackson, not here. Go home."
Jackson: "Oh, come on, I have spiritual powers that can easily help put the Akosi in their place."
Quentin: "I can't believe I am condoning this, but you should go and face the Akosi at the Caveno Mines alone. However, you need to make sure that none of them get away. The commissioner wants all Akosi affiliates locked up to learn more about their organization and where to strike them next."
Jackson: "Relax. They won't escape three feet into the woods without me seeing them."
The task force drives back to town, while Jackson heads eastwards into the woods. He looks through his binoculars and finds another way that leads into the mine. He parks his car behind a nearby tree as cover and stays low to sneak around to the back of the Caveno Mines.

Jackson: "It is crawling with Akosi mobsters. Especially for an old mine that looks like it hasn't been touched for years. Okay, here we go. It is showtime."
Jackson attacks an armed mobster from behind by knocking him out with his own gun.
Jackson: "One down and a whole bunch more to go."
......Inside the mines......
Terrine: "I cannot believe we are in this situation."
Veronica: "There has to be a way out of here somehow."
Kasweri: "How? These guys are always watching us."
Tendabi: "Something is odd. The two tigers right outside the main entrance are gone."
Akosi Guard 1: "Hey! Stay silent and keep digging!"
Akosi Gusrd 2: "Why haven't those two reported back yet?"
Akosi Guard 1: "Not sure. But if they caught something or someone, I am sure they will bring it here as a trophy."
Then the two of them are suddenly knocked out by Jackson's energy blast.
Terrine: "Jackson?"
Jackson: "Terrine?"
He shines his smartphone light on the rest of the mine, showing her friends and several other college furries.
Jackson: "Come on, I will get you all out of these chains."
Veronica: "I think the key was on one of the crooks you knocked out."
Jackson: "Alright, let me check."
He feels around both of the unconscious guards' pockets and grabs a small key. Then he unshackles everyone who was kidnapped from the Golden Oak campus and leads them out of the tunnel. As they walk out of the second entrance, three mobsters aim their firearms at him.
Akosi Guard 5: "Lookie here, boys. Looks like we have the hero at our mercy."
Akosi Guard 7: "Let's kill them all!"
Akosi Guard 5: "No! The boss says he needs them until they extract every gem. Once they outlive their usefulness, we finish them. You guys take them back, while I take out the hero."
Jackson swiftly acts and knocks the first guard's gun out of his paws. He uses his kinetic spirit power to toss their guns against the rocks, thoroughly smashing them to pieces.
Jackson: "You scum sicken me. If you want to fight me. Then fight with honor, not firearms."
An Akosi guard whistles for backup. Twenty more Akosi mobsters surround him.
Jackson: "If you really knew how to fight, you wouldn't be needing backup against me. You are just a coward with no skills."
Akosi Guard 5: "How dare you! That's it! Open fire on him!"
Hundreds of bullets fly toward Jackson's direction, but he creates a kinetic field of energy that causes the bullets to redirect back against the mobsters. They collapse on the ground.
Akosi Guard 5: "What? That is not possible!"
Jackson: "Anything is possible if you stand up for what is right."
Akosi Guard 5: "Honor does not win fights, fool. Just cunning!"
He grabs an extra pistol from his back pocket and shoots Jackson in the left leg. Jackson fires two energy orbs from his fists at the last mobster standing. The blast sends him flying back ten yards until the crook hits a large tree.
Terrine: "Jackson, that was incredible!"
Kasweri: "How did you do all of that? I mean, I have never seen a furry use the power of a spirit before. What is your secret?"
Jackson: "I will explain to every one of you once we get back."
Some drive back to Glassbec in Jackson's car, while the other college kids follow behind them in one of the Akosi Mob's vehicles.

Authors Note: "Another chapter down and another is on the way soon!"

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