A Bostelair Victory

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Jackson makes it back to the Rabeau estate as Bolton and Saba drive up in the driveway behind him.
Bolton: "Jackson, I am surprised to see you back this late."
Jackson: "Oh sorry, sir. I guess my friends and I overdid it with the whole surfing till dawn thing."
Bolton: "No need to trouble yourself, sonny boy. Just make sure to stay cautious when you are out there."
Saba: "I am afraid Mr. Rabeau is right. We got a call from Captain Riles and Rebus Talvenger about the increased activity of these Akosi hooligans within Glassbec."
Jackson: "What did they say?"
Saba: "They recommended we keep you safe by keeping an eye on you."
Jackson: "I can't believe this."
Bolton: "Before you say anything you will regret, young man, we are going to let you, Taciana, and the others go out until only ten-thirty at night."
Jackson: "Okay. I can work with that."
Bolton: "Do we have a deal?"
Jackson: "Alright, deal."

Jackson and Bolton shake paws as a way solidifying their agreement. Jackson is about to walk away when Saba grabs his paw.
Saba: "Make sure you keep everyone in this family safe, if anything should ever occur in Coastal City."
Jackson: "It will be fine, Mr. and Mrs. Rabeau. Nothing bad is going to happen. I solemnly swear."
Saba: "Thank you."
Taciana walks out of the kitchen with two plates of food.
Taciana: "Hi, baby."
Jackson: "Hey, babe."
Taciana: "Mmmwwah. Did you have fun at the game?"
Jackson: "Oh yes, of course. The Gryphons won 20 to 12 against the Dragons. Plus, we had the best seats in the house with plenty of hot dogs to eat."
Taciana: "Hehehe, I bet you did. I was really impressed with that last touchdown made by Nash Crosiar. He was the only rabbit on the team, but it is still very impressive."
Jackson: "Well, there are plenty of impressive things that you can do."
Taciana: "Like what?"
She places the food down on the kitchen table and wraps her arms around his neck.
Jackson: "One, you are a fantastic cook. Two, you always care for the family even when they try to be difficult. Three, you offer hope to the less fortunate."
Taciana: "Awww, Jacky. Stop it."
Jackson: "Nah baby, seriously. I mean it. Those are the things I admire most about you, Taciana. I mean that with all my heart."
Taciana giggles and has such a wide smile that her two front teeth start to show.
Jackson: "I also found this for you when me and my bros were leaving the beach after surfing."
Taciana: "Oh, a giant clam. How charming."
Jackson: "Open it."
Taciana pries open the clam's mouth and sees a large shiny pearl in the back. She gasps with excitement.
Taciana: "Oooh, Jackson! It is so pretty."
Jackson: "I would do anything for you, Tacci."
Taciana wipes her tears of joy.
Taciana: "Anything?"
Jackson: "Yes."
Taciana: "How about we start with having a nice dinner?"
As the pair sit down at the huge kitchen table to eat, Saba and Bolton walk upstairs for bed.
Saba: "Bolty?"
Bolton: "Yes, dear?"
Saba: "How come you never brought me a pearl?"
Bolton: "What do you mean? I gave you a huge pearl necklace."
Saba: "I know, but you have never found something naturally beautiful. A gift that never cost a dime. It would be nice if you found a naturally occurring gift for me."
Bolton: "Where is this coming from?"
Saba: "Bolty, our daughter was shedding tears of joy the second Jackson bought that all-natural pearl from the sandy shorelines of Bostelair Beach."
Bolton: "Do you want a natural gift found in Glassbec?"
Saba: "Yes. It would a be nice gesture if you found a large blue diamond for me."
Bolton: "No worries at all, Saba. I will have something special when you least expect it."
Saba: "We used to be romantic towards each other every day. What happened to us, my love?"
Bolton: "We are the CEOs of the Rabeau Corporation, and we have to work five days a week to pay the estate's staff and keep things flowing here."
Saba: "Sigh."
Bolton: "Sweetheart, scoot closer to me."
Saba moves her head under Bolton's, and he discreetly places his paw on her back.
Saba: "Are you trying to massage me like you did back in college?"
Bolton: "You remember that well, don't you darling?"

Saba: "That does feel good."

Bolton: "How about here?"

He puts pressure on her lower back, which makes her laugh.
Saba: "That does feel good, Bolty."
Bolton: "I hope so because you have always rocked my world."
Saba: "Sometimes you are so cheesy."
Bolton: "You still love it though."

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