Studying With Ava

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Jackson walks in and is greeted by the others with concern on their faces. Taciana runs over and rewards Jackson with a hero's return. She hugs him and cries a little in his arms.
Taciana: "Jackson! I thought I would never see you again after tonight!"
Jackson: "Hey, come on now. I am not that easy to bring down, my darling bunny."
He wipes the tears from her cheeks carefully.
Taciana: "I was so worried about you! What happened?"
Jackson: "It was awesome. I saved the day once again. Thank you. Woooh!"
Taciana: "Jackson, you can't keep taking risks like this on purpose."
Jackson: "Oh, come on, Taciana. It was more of a thrill-seeking moment. Why should I let them attack until it's too late? I helped saved a lot of furries today!"
Taciana: "I know, but there is a difference between protecting others and seeking out a fight."

Jackson: "It was never my intention to go looking for trouble, bae; I just stopped it. Besides, the Akosi Mob is targeting me and I'm good at this whole protecting Glassbec thing."
Taciana: "Jackson, please! I am afraid of losing you! I mean, one of those guys almost shot you!"
Jackson: "Hey, hey, I am sorry I frightened you tonight."
Taciana: "It's okay. I apologize for yelling. That wasn't very lady like of me."
Jackson: "Are we square?"
Taciana: "Hehe, we are square."

Jackson: "Goodnight, everyone! See you tomorrow!"
They leave, and then stop to share a passionate kiss on the lips before walking upstairs while holding paws.
...........7 hours later............
Jackson wakes up early to a kitchen filled with the scent of an assorted breakfast with fresh fruit, hard-boiled eggs, scrambled eggs, waffles, pancakes, sausages, grits, toast, cereal, and a batch of bacon.
Jackson: "Smells like a victory breakfast this morning."

Taciana is warming up oatmeal and is surprised by him sneaking up behind her.
Jackson: "Rawr!"
Taciana: "Oh my gosh!"

This causes her to drop the spoon she was stirring with.
Jackson: "Gotcha, didn't I?"
He plants a peck on her cheek.
Taciana: "Okay, you got me, babe. Although, you better watch out."
Jackson: "Why is that?"
Taciana: "I'll get you back in another way."
Jackson: "You can't surprise me."
Taciana: "Honey, I know I can."

Saba opens the door to the guest house.
Saba: "Good morning, you two."
She walks into the kitchen with a surprised look on her face, seeing the amount of food prepared.
Saba: "You know, Taciana, I could have done all of this."
Taciana: "I know, Mom, but you taught us to be self-sufficient."
Jackson: "Ms. Rabeau, your daughter is a natural born cook."

He takes a bite of the scrambled eggs at the table.
Taciana: "Hehe, see. I have my first fan."
Saba takes a seat and eats a biscuit with some butter.
Ramona: "Morning, y'all! What are we eating?"
Jackson: "A little bit of everything."
He chomps on the bacon and sausage.
Ramona: "Nice. Are those grits?"
Taciana: "Yes. You are welcome to try some."
Ramona: "Don't mind if I do, big sis."
As soon she digs in, the rest of the Rabeau family joins them.
Warrick: "Now that is what I call a big breakfast!"
Tawny: "I call dibs on the toast."
Serena: "Hah, I am taking the toast with pancakes and waffles."
Tawny: "You can't have any because I called dibs."
Serena snatches a piece of toast and takes a bite to tease Tawny.
Tawny: "Hmmph!
Bolton: "Alright! That is enough, you two. There is plenty of food to go around. Plus, all six of you have classes today."
Tawny: "Sorry, Daddy."
Serena: "Yeah, sorry."
They all eat quietly at the table until Jackson breaks the silence.
Jackson: "So, about the Akosi Mob."
Bolton: "What about them?"
Jackson: "One of them was saying something while they were unconscious at the fundraiser. Something about a huge plan of attack using an ultimate weapon of some sort."
Bolton: "Did he say anything else?"
Jackson: "Nope, his voice sounded garbled after I knocked him out cold."
Taciana: "Jacky, you can't put yourself at risk again."
Jackson: "Chill, Tacci, my extensive training has proven that I can handle it."
Taciana: "Jackson."
Jackson: "I am not going to get hurt."
Taciana: "Please, don't let that fame get to your head, alright?"
Jackson: "As the hero of Glassbec, I promise."

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