Love and Experiments

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Jackson drives home to the Rabeau mansion after an educational and eventful day.
Jackson: "Phew, this was such a trying afternoon."
He heads to his room and removes his clothes before jumping in the shower, scrubbing his furred arms with shampoo and conditioner. He throws on his lightning bolt t-shirt and heads back downstairs to work on his first physics worksheet.
Jackson: "I might as well get this completed way ahead of time."

Taciana walks into the mansion and sends a text to Renet about their instructor's office availability times before setting her purse down.
Taciana: "How did your class your go?"
Jackson: "Good question, it was..."
Memories flash back to earlier moments of being chased near his classroom and the way he defended Vialé at the Woodpendle Club, making him pause for a moment.
Jackson: "Interesting."
Taciana: "Interesting how?"
Jackson: "I was chased by other ladies today and managed to evade them. Not to mention how I saved Vialé from a jackal furry who tried to physically harm her."
Taciana: "Well, I am proud of you for doing the right thing. Just don't come back with any bruises. Okay?"
Jackson: "A promise is a promise, my sweet Tacci."
Taciana: "Hehehe, you and those eyebrows."
Jackson: "How was your day?"
Taciana: "Just hung out with Ramona, Jia, and Nova at the at the Vista Café talking about how badly some of our instructors are teaching."

Jackson: "Not every instructor is going to be easy to understand or have a clear teaching style."
Taciana: "I know Hun, but it wouldn't hurt for them to try explaining what we are going to do next at the very least. Can we study together after our classes tomorrow night?"
Jackson: "How about we study over the weekend instead?"
Taciana: "Why the weekend?"
Jackson: "Well, we would have more time to spend together.
Taciana: "Hmm, I like the sound of that. We could even learn new facts about the class subjects from other sources."
Jackson: "Thus, guaranteeing our success in acing every single one of them."
Taciana: "Exactly."

......The next morning......
Jackson is following his early exercise regimen, while Taciana is busy tying up her hair.
Jackson: "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, and fifteen."
Taciana: "Bae? What are you doing?"
Jackson: "Pull-ups to stay fit and keep me active."
Taciana: "You know, Jia and I walked by the Training Center yesterday. Maybe all of us could go afterwards for a group work out."
Jackson: "Not a bad idea, Tacci. Text me when you two are available and I will meet you there."
Taciana: "Deal."
Jackson: "So I'm guessing the mansion staff have breakfast ready?"
Taciana: "That is correct. Come on, let's go eat before everyone else grabs all the food."
......At the breakfast table......
Saba and Bolton are leaving for work.
Saba: "Bye, kids! Good luck in class today!"
Ramona: "Thank you, Momma!"
The front doors of the mansion open and shut.
Ramona: "Martin, could you pass the light syrup, please?"
Martin: "Sure, Mona."
Ramona: "Thanks, super genius."
Tawny and Serena are at the table like things were way before Jackson fell into their lives.
Taciana: "Good morning, sisters."
Tawny: "Ahh, morning."
Serena: "Yeah."
Taciana: "Hehe, you two seem chipper this morning. What happened?"
Tawny: "We met our perfect matches last week and going out with them for dinner tonight!"
Tawny and Serena squeal loudly with excitement.
Taciana: "Well, we are happy for you two. Aren't we, Jackson?"
Jackson nods with a yes as he chews his food and gives a thumbs up.
Jackson: "Absolutely."
They all drive to Golden Oak after finishing breakfast.
Jackson: "Another day, another course."
Taciana: "You will get through it, honey."
Jackson: "My instructor is so dull and I can figure this stuff out on my own so easily."
Taciana: "I know, my great and powerful Jackson, but we paid for the courses. I'll meet you after class, okay? I love you."

Jackson: "Love you too."
Warrick: "You lucky dog."
Jackson: "What?"
Warrick: "My sister has never said that out in the open before."
Jackson: "I have that special effect on your sister."
Martin: "Ramona just bids me good luck and plants one on my cheek."
Warrick: "Well, then you both are lucky. Renet only texts me heart emojis before entering her first class of the day."
Jackson: "All right guys, enough about the ladies in our lives. Let's talk about which team is going to win this coming Sunday, the Dragons or the Gryphons."
Warrick: "That's easy to determine."
Jackson: "The Gryphons."
Warrick: "The Gryphons."
Martin: "The Dragons."
Jackson: "Why do you think the Dragons will win?
Martin: "It all comes down to strategy, and the Dragons have a foolproof strategy they've used numerous times. Plus, it's always worked against their opponents. They go on the defense."
Jackson: "What? No way! The Gryphons' straight-forward approach to making a slam dunk always works."
Martin: "Can they make three-pointers from halfway across the court after jumping high in the air?"
Warrick: "That's not the point. The Gryphons are more likely to make a shot up close, rather than the Dragons, who aim at a distance from where the ball could be snatched."
The three keep going back and forth about who would win until they separate to go to class.
Jackson: "Engineering 105 here I come."
Petra: "Sit with me!"
Jackson sits with Jia to piss Petra off. Petra looks angry.
Jackson: "So Jia, what is your major?"
Jia: "It's in engineering. Some of the other furry girls in here don't think I am meant to be a successful engineer."
Jackson: "Don't listen to them. They are just jealous because they probably didn't have the guts to try hard in their own field of study. So anyway, what's the project everyone is so scared of?"
Jia: "Are you familiar with the Arinthon X-Ray Machine?"
Jackson: "How does it work exactly?"
......2 hours and 45 minutes later......
Ms. Olain: "Remember the quiz on part one next week! Have a good rest of your afternoon!"
Jackson: "Jia, it's been a very informative experience working with you today."
Jia: "Thanks, Jackson, I enjoyed working with you too."
The two head to the gym to meet up with Taciana for an afternoon exercise regimen.

Author's Note: "A new chapter will be on the way!!!" 😁

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