Weight Lifting Competition

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Jackson returns home and grabs a snack, while Taciana helps Sherman draw a picture.
Taciana: "It goes from left to right. See? Left to right. Good job Shermie."
She looks at him proudly. Taciana then turns on the television. News reporter Jimmy Findello shows footage of Jackson fighting all by himself against criminals.
Jackson: "Hey, Tacci. Are you enjoying my latest exposé?"
Taciana: "Actually, I am not. You deliberately put yourself in the line of fire. Jacky, we have a child to look after now, and we cannot raise him if one of us is gone. I know you are a great hero. But you need to stop. You are putting yourself in danger by going on these personal missions."
Jackson: "They can't kill me. I can easily heal myself or even call upon the Vitaea to help in my fight if I need to."
Taciana: "Jacky."
Jackson: "I promise I won't go looking for the bad guys again."
Bolton and Saba walk in and clear their throats.
Jackson: "Oh, hi, Mr. and Mrs. Rabeau. I am guessing you saw the news, right?"
Bolton: "Jackson, I understand that all of the furries in Glassbec see you as a hero. I mean, everyone in this family does, but make sure this doesn't go to your head, son."
Jackson: "I promise I that won't use my fame for personal gain or abuse the power given to me."
Bolton: "Hmm, okay. Spoken like a man who values others."
Jackson and Taciana leave for school with Sherman. Jackson goes to his Physics 200 class and sees Raziya readying the experimental test tubes and supplies for the class activity.
Raziya: "Hey Jackson, how was your morning?"
Jackson: "Oh you know, the usual."
Raziya: "Is stopping a criminal organization part of your usual activities?"
Jackson: "Okay, fine. I foiled a plan made by the Akosi Mob. I only did it because some of our friends were taken and I didn't want anything tragic to happen."
Class begins with their instructor, Dr. Palvo walking in with a smile on his face.
Dr. Palvo: "Good morning, scholars! Today we are going to start talking about electrostatics and magnetism. First, turn your book to 403 and we'll get our lecture started."
......Two hours forty minutes later......
Dr. Palvo: "Alright, everyone, remember your physics lab is due. See you next week!"
Jackson walks to the lunchroom. Taciana is holding Sherman at one of the tables close to the main lobby with her sisters and their boyfriends.
Taciana: "Hi, Jacky. How was physics class?"
Jackson: "It was very interesting, actually. Raziya and I were the first ones to complete our in-class experiment based on a controlled version of the greenhouse effect. We used dirt, sand, water, and paint in each bottle. We heated each one with an ultraviolet lamp and noticed that the one with sand and the other with water had the highest temperatures, while the dirt and paint produced the lowest temperature, due to the fact that they cannot trap greenhouse heat."
Taciana: "Wow, that does sound very interesting."
Brent: "Yo, Jackson, there is a weight lifting competition happening at the stadium at 10:00 pm tonight!"
Jackson: "What is the big deal about this competition?"
Brent: "Only that the biggest jerk on campus is the champion."
Jackson: "I am sure I could take him on in that contest."
Brent: "Now you're talking. If one of us was to become champion, Kroll would lose his mind."
......After Lunch......
Jackson and Brent sign up for the Maxed Muscle Contest. Kroll Bolderan notices them leaving the board with the sign-up sheet.
Kroll: "I will be right back ladies."
Petra: "I hope he tells those two off."
Coco: "I don't know, girls. One of them is kinda cute."
Kroll: "You two might stand a chance, but I always win."
Brent: "Well, things can change, Bolderan!"
Jackson: "It could be either me or Brent who wins."
Taciana and all the others at the table laugh. This makes Kroll upset, and he throws a punch, but it is blocked by Jackson's grip. Jackson then pushes him back a few feet.

Kroll: "Grrr! We shall see who the audience picks as the winner."
Jackson: "We'll beat him easily with proper technique."
Brent: "Don't forget the muscles, dude."
Jackson: "Right. Those too."
Jackson, and the other guys are up on stage prepping themselves for the weightlifting contest.
Jackson: "You ready, boys?"
Kroll: "Haha! You'll be dropping the moment you try lifting!"
Jackson: "We shall see, Kroll. We shall see."
The contest begins with all the male furries on stage lifting up two hundred-pound sized dumbbells as they hold their lifting positions for as long as possible.
Contest Judge Bear Furry: "So far, our contestants are neck and neck with their technique! However, will they be able to make it until the fifteen minute timer runs out?"
......Five minutes later......
Martin, Derringo, Tobias, and Warrick set their dumbbells down, ending their standing in the competition.
......8 minutes later......
Keshin, Nobu, Brent, and Tambovu place their dumbbells on the ground and leave the stage.
Contest Judge Bear Furry: "It seems that most of our contestants have left the stage! We are left with newcomer, Jackson Tontione and our returning champion, Kroll Bolderan!"
Jackson holds his stance with all his inner strength and resolve, while Kroll's arm throbs. Kroll drops the dumbbells and winces as he rubs his left arm. The timer goes off with a loud ring.
Contest Judge Bear Furry: "We have our new champion of the Golden Oak Maxed Muscle Contest! Jackson Tontione! Show him some love folks!"
Taciana: "That was incredible, Jacky boo!"
Jackson and Tobias do a fist bump. He is then carried around by everyone.
Kroll: "Whatever, I will get it next year."

Author's Note: "What will the next day hold for Jackson? Will there be peace or will there be trouble?"

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