Break-Ins and Artists

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Jackson parks in the Rabeau's large driveway and opens the front door.
Jackson: "Oh yeah, back after an epic game! I wonder if there are any leftovers in the fridge."
He finds a full steak and some broccoli in the fridge marked with his name on it.
Jackson: "A solo dinner at night? It has certainly been a while. This is delicious."
Jackson belches loudly, as Ms. Rabeau walks into the room.
Saba: "Well, I am glad you liked the steak I left for you. Also, remember your manners." Jackson: "Oh right, my bad. Excuse me."
Saba: "Goodnight, Jackson."
Jackson: "Goodnight."
......In Jackson's room......
He holds Taciana's paw as he flips the tv on.
Taciana: "Hehehe."
Jackson: "What?"
Taciana: "I am thinking about us in the future watching shows and important events together."

Jackson: "We do that now."
Taciana: "I know. It is just that sometimes it is hard to wait for the future."
Jackson: "I know, babe, but we need to live in the moment and prepare ourselves a little more before that happens. Oh look, that news reporter is on."

Jimmy Findello: "This is Jimmy Findello with the Worldwide Furry Network. I am currently in the Eastside of Glassbec tonight with a witness who claims to have seen members of the Akosi Mob robbing his department store. Care to comment, sir?"

Male Horse Furry: "I just saw them walk inside and tip over furniture before cracking one of my two cash registers! Someone must do something because I think the task force is slacking! I even saw those Akosi drive off toward the neighborhood close to mine!"

Jimmy Findello: "There you have it, folks. A new threat and a possible crime spree. We will have more after our commercial break."
Jackson: "Taciana, isn't that where one of our new friends' lives?"
Taciana: "Yes. Why?"
Jackson: "The Akosi might attack her and who knows what else they might do."
Taciana: "Jackson, what are you thinking?"
Jackson: "I am thinking that I gotta go save them."
Taciana: "You don't have to always go out there and risk your life like that."

Jackson: "Tacci, the response time of the task force has been slow recently. Someone has to step up and do something."

Taciana: "If the Akosi have to be stopped, then let it be someone else who can stop them. Stay with me, bae."
Jackson: "I need to try. If I don't, who else will?"
Taciana: "Let the task force do their job."
Jackson: "Opeya called earlier, before I came home tonight."
Taciana: "Why would she call you?"

Jackson: "I am not sure, but I am going to find out."

Taciana: "It is too risky, Jackson, and I cannot bear the thought of losing you. I just can't."

Jackson: "Shh, I will be fine. Okay? I promise."

Jackson plants a quick kiss on her lips. Jackson and Taciana end the night with a calmed conscience and doze the last several hours of the night away.
......At 8:00 am......
Jackson wakes up to the sun beaming down on him as he opens his eyes.
Jackson: "Gah, too bright!"
He yawns and brushes all of his sharp teeth before heading down to the kitchen.
......In the kitchen......
Taciana: "Good morning. Have a seat, handsome. Your special of the morning is almost ready."
Jackson: "Funny, I thought you were my special of the day."
Taciana: "Hehehe! Babe, you do not want anyone to walk in when you say that."
Jackson: "Who is going to know?"
Taciana: "Well, all of my siblings are coming here to join us this time."
Jackson: "Let me guess, they texted you, right?"
Taciana: "Yup, they sure did."

......10 minutes later......
Taciana: "Your hotcakes and grits are ready!"
Jackson: "Thanks, sugar bunny."
Ramona: "That is so adorable. You two are just like Marty and me when we greet each other via video chat."
Taciana: "Is Martin planning something for you?"

Ramona: "Yes. He sure is."
Warrick: "Good morning."
Ramona: "Anyway, he is planning a date night next week! It involves a new science museum extravaganza! I just know it is going to be perfect! Oh, I can't wait!"

Falling for a Furry: The Rising TerrorWhere stories live. Discover now