Honorable Rewards

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Taciana yawns and climbs out of bed. She walks in the kitchen and lights up watching Jackson hold Sherman.
Taciana: "Hey, baby. Good morning."
Jackson: "Morning."
Taciana: "Aww, look at you two. A father and his son."
Jackson: "Yeah, he can be a handful."
Taciana: "Hehe. Are you excited for your first day working as a data analyst?"
Jackson: "Definitely."
Taciana: "What time do you have to be there?"
Jackson: "I must be there by 9:00 am."
Taciana: "That early?"
Jackson: "Yeah, that early."
Jackson's smartphone buzzes.
Nicolette: "Hi. Is this Jackson Tontione?"
Jackson: "Yes, and who are you?"
Nicolette: "Oh my apologies, I am Nicolette Telanger. Warrick told me that you are the one who saved the town. My father is throwing a celebration in your honor."
Jackson: "That is great! Um, I'll see you and everyone over there tonight, Nicolette."
Nicolette: "Heh, okay bye."
Jackson: "I gotta get going for work. However, I will see you and Sherman at the celebration."
Taciana: "Whoa. What celebration? Who called you?"
Jackson: "A girl named Nicolette Telanger."
Taciana: "Nicolette?"
Jackson: "You know her?"
Taciana: "She is the mayor's daughter and kinda snobbish."
Jackson: "Tell me about it soon."

Jackson gives a wink and puts on his signature aviator shades while driving over to the Moonsilver Corporation.
......At 8:45 am......
Jackson arrives at the main building and reports to his department for training.
Jackson: "Hi, I am Jackson Tontione."
Polar Bear Furry: "Vince Oberon. Welcome to Moonsilver Corp. We'll start you off with the basics; creating account and data queries on Fursoft, our company's main software program."
Jackson: "Okay, let the learning begin."
Vince: "You are going to fit in well with the team."
......Eight hours later......
Jackson: "Those data entries were challenging, but I think I'm comfortable with processes involved."
Vince: "It's alright. No one gets every detail on the first day of training. I will tell you this though, you put in more effort than most of the furries here when they were starting off."
Jackson: "Thank you, sir."
Vince: "Oh, and one last thing."
Jackson: "Yeah?"
Vince: "Good luck at the award ceremony."
Jackson: "You know about that?"
Vince: "The town's been talking about you, kid."
Jackson: "Thanks, Mr. Oberon."
Jackson goes to the Golden Oak campus and attends his only class for the day, Physics 200. When he leaves, he goes to the main field Warrick mentioned yesterday. He walks behind the stage and notices Nicolette, Warrick, and Renet on stage.
Jackson: "Hey, guys."
Warrick: "Dude, you're a few minutes behind, and these furries are anxious to see the dhole who saved this town. Go on, get out there, and inspire, brah!"
Jackson uses the voice activated microphone and takes a breath before speaking flawlessly in front of the crowd.
Jackson: "The Akosi thought that their forces could beat me. But they were wrong! Now I stand before all of you to say that I did it!
The crowd cheers for Jackson.
Mayor Donavan Telanger: "Haha, well done, dear boy. Well done! I thought I would never see the day someone would step up against the dark forces of our world, but our hopes and prayers were answered! On behalf of all the furry citizens of Glassbec, we award you the gold medallion of harmony."
Nicolette grabs the medallion and places it over Jackson's neck. The news reporter Jimmy Findello, from Worldwide Furry Network, takes pictures of Jackson.
Jimmy: "Here is your favorite snow leopard, Jimmy Findello, coming to you all live at Golden Oak University, where Jackson Tontione has given an uplifting speech to spark hope! Let's see what he has to say. Jackson, given the Akosi Mob's recent downfall, what are your plans now?"
Jackson: "To continue my lifelong goals and remain the hero that this world needs me to be. However, I will never let that interfere with protecting my family."
Jimmy: "What happened with the dark spirit Vakatarus?"
Jackson: "He was defeated by me, along with the Vitaea spirits of light. Have no fear! He has been imprisoned and won't be back for a very long time! This I swear!"
Jimmy Findello: "Well, there you have it, folks, the hero of Glassbec, becoming a hero of the world."
The roar of applause is much louder as Jackson heads backstage with his medallion.

Deep in the Dimension of the Damned, Vakatarus is already plotting a way to escape.

Author's Note: "Another chapter complete! At last! Have no worries! Another one is on the way!"

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