The Proposal

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Time passes as morning turns into late afternoon. Jackson is still passing out all the Christmas presents. After the gift exchange comes to a close, he takes a deep breath to prepare himself for what he is going to say for his proposal to Taciana.
Jackson: "Ahem, may I have everyone's attention, please? I need to say something important."
The crowd stays silent as he goes to Taciana and holds her paws in his own.
Jackson: "To celebrate the rest my Tacci's birthday and Christmas, I wanted to give her this one thing."
Taciana: "I already have the best present in the world. It's you, cutie."
Jackson: "Thanks, but I know you'll like what's about to happen next."
She gives him a pleasant smile.
Jackson: "Close your eyes."
She closes her eyes as Jackson grabs a small grey box out of his pocket and signals Warrick to set up the mistletoe above them.
Jackson: "Okay, open them."
He bends down on his left knee.
Taciana: (gasps)
Jackson: "I should have asked you this before, on Christmas Eve, but here it is. We have gone through so much together. I would not even be around if you and your family hadn't found me on that fateful night. So, I thank you for making me a part of your life."
He opens the box, revealing a silver ring with a glimmering blue diamond.
Jackson: "Will you do me the honor of making me the happiest dhole alive?"
Taciana: "Oh my gosh. Yes! Yes, I will marry you!"
Jackson puts the ring on her third paw-like finger, and she bats her eyes at it.
Taciana: "Aww.... Jacky!"
She jumps into his arms and kisses him passionately as the room cheers for their engagement.
Taciana: "You have made me so happy right now."
Jackson: "Then how about we extend that happiness on New Year's Eve at the spirit mountain of Boaguai?"
Taciana: "Hehehe, yes! A million times over! This is the best Christmas ever!"
Saba: "Congratulations!"
Taciana: "Thanks, Mom.
Saba: "I can't believe it. My baby girl is engaged!"
Bolton: "I couldn't be prouder of you both. Don't they require a good wedding planner or something?"
Saba: "Oh perfect, I'll make a few calls!"
Olivia: "Auntie Saba? Uncle Bolton? Can Hazel and I be the flower girls at Taciana's wedding?"
Saba: "Of course you can!"
The two exchange a high-five and rejoin the rest of the family, unwrapping some more of their gifts, conversing, enjoying dinner, and watching a football game.

Author: "Prepare for a matrimonial moment like never heard before."

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