Chapter 22- There is no hunting like the hunting of man

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There is no hunting like the hunting of man; and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it never really care for anything else.

- Hemingway

The city really comes alive at night time.

He had arrived here that morning, after getting his latest assignment. He spent all his afternoon and evening sniffing around the location, which he will soon transform into a brand new crime scene. He disguised himself a homeless guy, torn dress, disheveled state, with a large plastic bag on his back which people will assume is filled with waste, and took shelter near a dumpster, his eyes going everywhere like a lunatic but mostly fixed on the warehouse. He noticed people arriving, leaving, and strolling around it, taking in the number of guards, entrances and exits. He saw how the Sun's glare softened and soon it vanished out of sight. When it was nearly midnight, he began his work.

Entering and killing the guards was not difficult, and he took no pleasure in killing the Man tied to chair, like he was ordered. It was when he manipulated the power circuit and burnt the place his lips curled upward and he stood in utter fascination to witness his art, of course keeping safe distance and away from people's eyes. He loved fire, loved it when it spread and destroyed everything, loved it when it was a small and innocent and loved it when it was in it's full glory, roaring like a monster, uncontrollable and unflinching, fearless and relentless.

He watched the people came screaming, throwing water and sand to subdue it. He watched fire department arriving and that's when he decided to leave, his eyes ringing with the bells of the vehicles all the while.

He boarded the flight at 2 AM and left the country, all the while humming and smiling to himself, occasionally sighing, satisfied with his art work.


"This one is real piece of work." Chotu commented as soon as the senior foursome arrived at the crime scene and came out of the SUV. He along with the ETF Director Kapoor and Senior Officer Rathore walked ahead, behind them Rawte and ACP Mukherjee followed them. The former frowned as he heard the sharp intake of breath from her, and then she stopped in her track.

"Where do you think you are going?" He didn't mean to touch her, or even hold her wrist, but she was walking away like she could not get fast enough and it was automatic on his part, more than words. She blinked once, he could see her mind working to come up with some kind of work.

"I need to make a phone call." She slowly pulled her hand away from his grip and he let her, watching as she moved away from him, taking out her phone. He frowned at the odd behavior, but then, when he ever understood her? He shook his head, and after giving her one last look, headed for crime scene.

There were 7 bodies inside, all burnt to crisp, unrecognizable and without any ID. People around the warehouse, the crime scene, said this place is mostly vacant and none come here. Then how these 7 people ended up here?

ACP Mukherjee joined the team while Shree was going over what he found, she looked pissed and once again the fidgeting had started. She composed herself when, obviously, everyone noticed her foot tapping and raised eyebrows at it, huffing in annoyance, something the Second in Command found amusing as he looked away to hide his tiny smirk. The warehouse was a jute factory some 30 years ago and was mostly abandoned. Earlier homeless people used to stay here but there was a raid some months ago so now it's empty.

"Can it be possible these people are homeless too?" Sameer asked to none particular.

"It can." Confirmed the Director, "How this place caught fire?"

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