Chapter 26- The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil

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The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

-Edmund Burke

5 days after Haqqani showed up in the heart of country, Agent Rahane was summoned to join a meeting between Additional Secretary of RAW South Asia section, A specialist on Afghanistan and Pakistan, IB Joint head, IB Deputy Chief to whom he reports, and some others. Seemed like a lot of development had occurred in the political sectors in this case, because when Rahane got out of it 4 hours later, his mind was reeling.

The summary of the meeting was - Haqqani is foreign nationality. He is a headache for his own country. RAW had green signal from his home country and Delhi to kill him off at any time they want to.

From approaching caution, they were now set on the mission to finish the Man off and take revenge on the behalf of those 7 dead agents who were tagged as normal citizens in the emergence of the situation. Rahane could not come up with any reason as to why they should not kill him, but if they do, there will be lots of unanswered questions.

He along with IB additional head raised this basic question, which the others took it, deciding to think about it and meet at a later time to take a final decision on it. He hoped they are not going all guns blazing on Haqqani, because he, for one, would like to ask what the man was thinking, walking into a charity ball like its' a walk in a park. He sure has some ulterior motive, and he would hate to be stonewalled by something else after they had killed him off.

He doesn't like obstacles.


Inside an inconspicuous black Mercedes Benz car, Azeem Haqqani was moving through the nearly empty national highway at a lightning speed to the outskirts of Mumbai, his face hard. A few hours ago, he was enjoying his breakfast at a five star lavish hotel. It went to hell from that.

RAW is after him now.

Last he had heard, Indian government was not approaching him, too spooked after the South Delhi incident. What made them change their stance, he is yet to figure out, before he goes dark and saves his skin from them. He was also worried about what he had heard, that they are after him to kill him. Nobody in his circle had ever heard of RAW going all red after anyone, they always, always, procrastinate, find any other way. Also, to be quite honest, those agents in Delhi were not RAW, and even they were, RAW is not known for vengeance.

He wondered what changed all of a sudden. To be more accurate, in one night.

But before that, he needed to remind the government why they were not coming after him earlier. They needed to remember, and change their stance once again.

He searched for a number in his contact list as the car zoomed past the verdant forest, a cottage in the peripheral vision.


"Whoa, is not that the benefactor?"

Rathore asked to none particular, his eyes fixed on the news of the LCD screen hanging on the wall in the waiting room of Raghu sir's office. Beside him Aisha looked up from a magazine she was reading, reading the headlines emerging at the bottom.

"From the charity ball?"

"Yep." The Senior Officer confirmed, "He is most wanted Man?" Then shook his head, "Dixit should have done his research. He will be in trouble now."

By the time Aisha finished listening to the full story, Sameer was too quiet, "Anything on your mind?"

"It makes sense now." He looked at her, "Remember I told you Agent Rahane was there?"

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