Part 1.5 : The Prince's Suspicion

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Yes, this chapter has 0 views due to me breaking the first one to two parts :)

Indeed, I was now in a game. One with a cliché reverse harem setting to boot.

However, that fact wasn't what ticked me off. But what did was that I am currently inhabiting the body of the villainess of the game... who falls into demise on every route she's in.

Like, why me of all people?!

I knew I wished not to die, but I never asked to be alive again... like this!

Recalling the tragedies that had befallen this character, pity welled up in me as my head throbbed. Yet no fear was present due to the unwavering tranquility within me.

Well aware of the fact that nothing is determined in a non-controlled reality, a small grin revealed itself on my previously perturbed complexion, a hand above, sheltering it from the people around.

As the daughter of the esteemed Duke Roselle, a lavish life was practically guaranteed as long as I refrained from dealing with matters beyond my reach. Anything can be within my grasp if the current me is as loved as the one in the game.

Like a wheel, my perception was drastically changed as I viewed the current situation to be a blessing instead of a curse.

Nevertheless, I couldn't be careless and proceed with caution. As I was well aware that one mistake could break me.


Concluding what she said with a kiss to the cheek, she stood up to leave me and the other young boy be. Not forgetting to leave a nervous wink, of course.

As I had a vague idea of his identity, I decided to temporarily dismiss him, as seeing the form of my current appearance was of utmost importance to me.

Getting off the bed with haste, I walked towards the closest mirror, brushing past the young boy in order to reach it. Despite being ignored, instead of being pissed, the veneer of a smile on his face simply dropped, revealing a blank, uncaring expression that followed the petite figure of the girl who dismissed him.

In spite of the fact that my back was turned, the piercing gaze he had was enough to make my hairs to stand on edge.
However, the gaze he displayed wasn't one of spite, but curiosity. Hence, with the decision to brush it off, I chose to not look back nor tense up in anxiety.

Calmly, I sized myself up from head to toe, sparkles erupting from my eyes.

I was... remarkably beautiful!

With brown hair of the lightest gold shimmering at the length of my waist that was accompanied by those slanted, enchanting ruby red eyes. It was very much a sight to behold.

If my mother was an angel who could fill one's heart with a melodic tune, then I would be the enchanting demoness whom of which would bewitch one in her lustrous and appalling gaze.

...But that was still something that would happen in the future as the current me was but a mere child.

As I felt pleased with my appearance, my lips pursed itself to a light hum, before turning to finally face the forgotten prince.

Indeed, you didn't misread. He is a prince, the prince of this country even.

Meeting one another's gaze, a silent staring contest commenced, with its contestants being us two, a dull expression brought along in both our faces.

Observing the young boy from head to toe, one could easily tell he was a very attractive young man, one whom dispensed an air of composure and nobility. That is, despite him being a child as well.

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