Chapter 10: Scars

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Lyssa ran into her house, slamming the door with her back before sliding to the floor. Leaving a blood trail on the pristine white surface. Bex was still firmly in the vampire's arms, wincing in pain as the sting continued to spread. She glanced up at Lyssa who rested her head against the door.

"Lyssa you're hurt."

"Whose fault is that?"

Bex whimpered.

Lyssa moved her head to look at Bex who was doing her best to keep a brave face and pretend she felt okay. Bex watched as the vampire's eyes softened on her. Lyssa sighed and got back to her feet before running upstairs to the master bathroom.

"This is going to hurt both of us," Lyssa set Bex on the tub's edge.

"What do you mean?"

"I have to get the silver out," Lyssa tilted Bex's head back to examine the cut.

"Well, where is it?"

"In your blood. The cut isn't that deep so it shouldn't take long."

Bex could feel Lyssa's burned and callused hands rubbing against her neck as the vampire inspected her neck. It was a stark contrast to the normally soft cold hands she knew Lyssa to have. Her eyes drifted over to Lyssa and she gave the vampire a worried look.

"Silver in my blood? Wouldn't that kill me?" Bex asked.

"Not necessarily. They didn't use much, hardly detectable. It's a method slayers use to purify the blood of vampire bonds. The reason why it is burning is that your blood is filled with my essence. Once I get it out you should be okay."

"Okay," Bex's voice shook softly.

Lyssa took a deep breath before she leaned in and began to suck the blood out of the long cut on Bex's neck. The sting instantly intensified. Bex cried out in pain.

Lyssa took in decent sized gulps, but the blood did nothing to heal her, not like it usually did. Instead, the tainted blood burned her. It wasn't as bad as touching silver directly, but it was a burn none the less.

The more Lyssa drank from her the more the pain began to subside. Lyssa continued on until Bex felt that familiar tingle of pleasure once more. Only then would Lyssa know it was all out. She wasn't forced to wait long as Bex soon sighed in relief and hummed in pleasure.

Lyssa pulled back in a coughing fit before she leaned over the tub and vomited all the blood she just consumed. Her lips were burned. Bex rubbed her back before reaching over and turning the tub on to wash down the blood.

"Now you, you're hurt," Bex held her wrist out to Lyssa.

"Get away from me," Lyssa slapped her hand away.

"Stop being stubborn and drink my blood."

"I wouldn't be in this mess if you would have just listened to me!"

"You can say told you so all you want once you're better," Bex once again offered her wrist.

"I can't. I just drank your blood a couple days ago, not including my snack last night. It would be too risky. You will lose too much blood."

"Well, how are you going to heal up?"

"Slowly, as usual. It will just leave scars."

"Wait, all those scars are because you healed up slowly? Why didn't you just drink someone's blood?"

"Drinking blood is what gets me into these situations in the first place! Did it ever occur to you that I absolutely detest being a vampire?"

"No, you look like you like it to me."

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