Chapter Sixteen

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Lexas POV

"Heda?" Gustus asked from outside my tent.

"Sha (yes) come in." I replied impatiently. Gustus entered my tent and bowed his head.

"Heda. I have bad news. Anya has been taken by the Maunon (mountain men). A few wairriors report seeing her being dragged away."

I gritted my teeth. Anya was someone who would have been of great use in my quest to get Clarke back. Now I had to save her too.

"Ait (alright). You may go Gustus. Send Indra to me when you find her."

"Sha (yes) Heda." Gustus retreated.

I twirled my favourite dagger between my fingers and tried not to let the wave of emotion overwhelm me. It had already been one day since Clarke was taken. Her absence was like a part of me had been ripped out and taken with her.

"Maunon nomonjokas (mountain men motherf*ckers)" I growled under my breath. They steal my niron (loved one) from me and now my most talented general. I would make sure that they would pay dearly for this.

I slumped in my throne and one single tear escaped from my eye. Wiping it away quickly before it could smudge my warpaint - I had still not washed it off - I forced myself to think positive. Clarke would be fine. She was strong.

"Heda? May I come in?" I heard Indras voice outside. Quickly straightening myself in my throne, I sheathed my dagger.

"Sha (yes)." I said, and watched as Indra entered the tent. She stopped a few steps away.

"You wanted to see me?" She asked.

"Sha (yes). Anya and Clarke have been taken by the Maunon (mountain men). I need you and your warriors to get them back."

Indra looked surprised at my request.

"But Heda, no one has ever come out of Maun-de (mount weather) once they went in."

"That's going to change." I reassured myself as well as her. "Those two people are very important to me. We must get them back."

Indra nodded, choosing not to question me further. 

"We have scouts ready Heda. I will send them to monitor Maun-de (mount weather) until we are ready to attack."

I shook my head and Indra frowned.

"No. We will not attack. That will never work. They have technology too advanced for us to fight if we are at their home."

"Then how?"

"We must sneak in Indra." I ignored the extremely surprised expression on her face. "It is the only way to guarantee their safety."

Indra nodded, seeing my logic. 

"I will send the scouts anyway. Leidon (goodbye) Heda."

I nodded at her and she walked out. Even though I knew it would take a lot of convincing on my part, I resolved to be the one to sneak into Maun-de (mount weather) to free Clarke and Anya.

I had too.


That night, I tossed and turned in my bed for hours. It was the same as last night. All I could think about was Clarke.

Clarke, when she stepped forward as leader.

Clarke, when I woke up and she was holding my hand.

When we kissed in my tent.

When I kissed her on the battlefiels.

Clarke, being dragged away by the Maunon (mountain men).

I curled my legs up to my chest and squeezed my eyes shut to stop any tears. Being the commander meant that people always expected you to keep your cool, and I had many years of practice bottling up my emotions.

It had been so hard for a while after Costia died. I had just finished healing when Clarke entered my world, breaking me apart again. At least this time it was in a good way, but I knew I couldn't bear it if Clarke died. She was the one who shed some light on my life now.

There was a scuffling noise outside me tent and I sat up as a figure opened the flap of my tent.

"Strisis (little sister)." Luna said softly. "I knew you wouldn't be able to sleep."

I relaxed back onto my back as Luna approached. She climbed onto the bed and lay next to me, her arms wrapped around my shoulders. 

"We'll get her back Lexa." She murmured comfortingly in my ear. "Clarke will be fine."

"You don't know that." My voice broke slightly and I buried my face in Lunas shoulder. She stroked my hair, trying to make me feel better.

"I know that she cares a lot for you Lex. And you for her."

"That doesn't mean that she won't be hurt. That she won't end up"

"Like Costia." Luna finished my sentence. "Lex, she will be fine."

I tried to believe her. I wanted too. But I knew that there was always the slight possibility that Clarke would be taken from me. 

"Maybe." I said after a minute of silence. I felt Luna nod her head slightly, and the I calmed down enough to finally fall asleep.


When I woke in the morning, Luna was still lying next to me with her arms still around my shoulders. Trying to move slowly so I wouldn't wake her, I carefully slipped out of her arms.

It was barely morning, the sun was just peeking over the horizen as I strapped on my armour and left my tent. Today would be a day to plan.

Tomorrow would be the day I insisted on moving upon Maun-de (mount weather.)

To my surprise, Indra was already awake and waiting for me in the tent that held my throne. I nodded at her and approached the table she sat at, sitting opposite her.

"Heda." Indra greeted with a bow of her head. "How are we to move against Maun-de? (mount weather)"

"I will enter the mountain and attempt to break them out from the inside." I said, and waited for the onslaught of protests.

"Heda you can't..."

I held up a hand, silencing her. Indra pursed her lips together.

"Indra, I have to go."

"It's about that skai (sky) girl isn't it? Clarke. I knew that..."

I stood, scraping my chair back with a loud squeal. Pulling out the sword strapped to my back, I swung it around and pointed it at Indra.

"You will not make accusations." I growled at her. Behind me, I heard the rustle of fabric and turned to see many warriors. pouring into the tent. I sheathed my sword and watched as they crowded in.

"Heda." Indra said stiffly. "These warriors have volunteered themselves to assist with Maun-de (mount weather)."

"Mochof (thank you) Indra." I said. "But I will not be needing warriors." The warriors shuffled their feet and looked at each other in confusion. I stared at Indra with a level gaze, daring her to protest against me. "I will be going in alone."

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