Chapter Thirty-Five

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Clarkes POV

I had done it. I had pulled the trigger.

But nothing happened. There was no bang from the gun, no bullet rushing at me.

"Clarke!" I heard two people yell my name, at the same time. Their voices mixed together so I didn't know who the second person was. But I knew one of then was Wells, who was rushing towards me with his mouth wide open.

I dropped the hand that held the gun, and then Wells froze. His eyes flicked to something, or someone behind me. I whipped around, surprised that I hadn't heard the door open. Three people stood infront of me, with one of them pushing the others inside.

"Lexa?" I gasped as she pushed Anya out of the way.

"Clarke." She breathed. "Clarke." And ignoring everyone else in the room, she walked fast to my side and pulled me into a hug. I buried my face in her shoulder, so shocked that I couldn't say anything for a minute.

"Lexa." I sobbed. "You're alive."

"So are you." She mumbled into my hair. "What were you doing?" I ignored her question and pulled my head up to look at her.

"They told me you were dead."

Lexas eyes softened and I could see a tear form against one eye. She blinked it away, and then stared deep into my eyes.

"You almost were dead."

I closed my eyes, resting my forehead against hers. There were no words to explain what I had almost done. What I would have done if I hadn't run out of bullets.

A sudden pressure against my lips pulled me back into reality. I pulled Lexa even closer to me and kissed her back. I felt my back bump against something but I didn't care about the wooden desk poking at me. All I cared about right now was Lexa.

I felt her hands press against both sides of my face, pulling me closer to her if that was even possible. A sudden shuffling of feet reminded me that we weren't alone. I gently pulled away and took a tiny step back, but still kept hold of Lexa.

Before I opened my eyes, I rested my forehead against hers again for a split second.

"I love you Clarke." Lexa whispered to me. I smiled.

"What does that mean in your language?" I whispered back.

"Ai hod yu in. (I love you)" She told me, and I quickly translated something else in my head.

"Ai hod yu in sentaim. (I love you too)." I was pretty sure that was right, and was reassured by the fact that Lexa didn't correct me.

I opened my eyes and lifted my head from hers.

Anya and Lexas other guard had thankfully turned around and were staring at the door. I was glad for that. But Wells stood in the middle of the room, his hands still half outstretched. His expression was so sad. He was also staring right at us.


"Umm." Lexa cleared her throat. "We should..."

"Hold on." I stepped away from her and turned back to the lever on the wall. "I need to close the doors." I pulled the lever and turned the camera view back on. I watched as both doors slowly closed, and the fans started working to clear the radiation out of the air.

We waited for maybe ten minutes, with no one saying anything. Lexa had ahold of my hand the whole time, and I purposefully didn't look at Wells. Eventually, the light on the control panel switched from red to green, telling us that Mount Weather was radiation free once again.

Before I opened the doors to let the civilians out, I tapped the microphone and began to speak.

"Uhh, hi." I started. "My name is Clarke Griffin. Your President, guards and doctors are all dead - I won't sugar coat it. Your people have been murdering ours for a while, and now it's over. If you ever wage a war on us again, we will open the doors and not spare you. We'll go now."

I pressed a button to open the doors and watched as people began to stream out, cautiously creeping down hallways, still suspicious.

"Let's go." Lexa announced. We headed for the door but before somone opened it it was opened by someone of the other side. Anya pulled a sword and held it inf ront of her but I motioned for her to put it away.

"Clarke." Maia said. "Thank you." I was bewildered.

"For what?"

"For ridding us of the people that want us to live above ground. No one cares anymore, but they would have ended up killing us."

She stepped forward and pulled me into a short hug.

"No problem?" I said as she pulled away. "Just, stay safe."

Maia nodded and watched as we all stepped past her and headed down the hallway. Since we couldn't leave through the main door because that would let radiation in, I led everyone to the room where people were drained of blood. We could leave from there.

When we arrived, I ushered everyone through the door and closed it behind me. I hoped never to return to this awful mountain. We walked in a loose group down the tunnel, but Lexa took my hand again and pulled me back so the others couldn't hear what she said.

"Clarke?" She asked in a sad voice. "Why did you do that?"

"I...they said they killed you. I just couldn't do it anymore. My mother hates me, I thought you were dead, it was all too much."

"You did it because of me?" Lexa whispered. "This is my fault." I shook my head.

"No, Lexa it's not. It was a split second descision and I was stupid. I never should have even tried. You have no idea how grateful I was that I was out of bullets. I didn't want to leave you."

"You will never leave me Clarke." Lexa said. "Not even if one of us does die. I'll always be with you."

I smiled.

"Yeah." I whispered. "Always."

And we walked down the tunnel, away from Mount Weather, and towards the faint light of open ground.

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