14 ~ modern AU

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yeah so john's autism and stuff is based off mine

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yeah so john's autism and stuff is based off mine.

future me - don't really like this one tbh but eh, c'est la vie

Little blurby stuffs: John has ASD (autism spectrum disorder) with a side helping of anxiety, ADD (adhd without the h) and a touch of OCD, along with some kind of insomnia. He often talks or acts without thinking, making sorry every other word out of his mouth, and stutters a lot. He has a loud noise and touching trigger, and the severity varies. He's still a person though, and loves to do everything any one else would. And one day on a school camp trip thingy blah-blah-blah

John's POV

I sat on the bus, at the back naturally, with Peggy next to me. I wasn't feeling too touchy so she was able to, and could touch me. I sat at the back cause I felt there was less noise.

I hum as I flick the pages of my book, not really concentrating. I zone out a lot, pretty randomly, while doing anything, talking, walking, reading. Anything. It's almost like disassociating. I completely lose track.

I snap back into reality and glance confusedly at the page in the book. "Ah, fudge-nebits." I sigh. I don't even know where that word came from. I don't hesitate to swear, but that word slipped into my vocab.

I flick back a couple of pages and Peggy giggles.

"What?" I ask. Is she laughing at me? Did I do something wrong? IS there someone else laughing at me?

"Fudge-nebits?" She giggles. She's my best friend so it's not like she's heard it all before.

"Oh shh." I shush her. I brought 3 books on this week long trip. They were biggest I could find. I don't honestly know if they're gonna last.

She's reading fan fiction on her phone. Dear lord if she starts reading smut-

Suddenly, one of the boys in the general middle are stands up and shouts something. I couldn't tell what he said, and part of that got me. I jump, even though it's not a surprise.

I gave a small shudder.

One of the teachers stands up and walks over to him, saying in a stern voice that gives me anxiety "Alexander!"

"Not that Alexander kid again..." Peggy mumbles.

"Huh?" I mutter, voicing my thoughts involuntarily.

"He's forever in trouble and being generally annoying." Peggy says, putting her phone in her lap.

I close my book and try to place it evenly on my legs.

"I heard the other day he got in trouble for a fight." Peggy continues.

"Oh oh oh!" I start, something coming into my brain, and I start to gesture wildly. "S-s-s-s-so I-I-I-I-I--I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-" I realise I'm stuttering like mad again and pause, taking a deep breath. This is a regular occurrence.

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