Chapter CiNcO

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I watched as Alexander followed the boss into the kitchens. He gave me a small smile, but I knew it was fake. A moment later, I heard the shout of our boss saying 'Go home'. I gasped. This poor guy! What did he do? Hes like, the best waiter here! I watched Alexander come out of the kitchens.

He looked so miserable. I understand, at the start of break he lost two jobs, now he lost his one job that was going really well for him. I walked up towards him, but he was already walking out the door.

"Alexander!" I shouted after him as he walked outside.

I pushed through the doors and looked around for him. He was getting inside an Uber.

"Alexander!" I said again, but the car door was already shut and he was being driven away.

I thought about taking my own car to chase him, but I didn't want to loose my own job. No. Alexander. He was so happy, and kind. He was the best employee. Now hes gone. He was one of the main reasons I work here. To spend time with him, because even though I barely know him, He's already someone who means more to me then my friends. Sorry Laf, its true. I thought as if I was talking to my friends.

I turned around and walked back inside to be greeted by a fuming boss.

"Get back to work!" He said angrily.

"Y-yes s-s-sir," I said, walking quickly away.


The Uber driver dropped me off outside a mall. I figured I'd try one more place. If I fail here, I'm starting my own business! Yeah! Actually, that might be illegal 'cause I never went to business school.... But I don't know. Maybe I WILL take a business school course. I walked inside the overpopulated mall.

I was going to try something different. A shoe shop. It sounded easy. I get paid less then Crave for sure, but at least its a job so I can afford my life. I entered a shoe store, and talked with the counter person. They made me fill out a weird paper thing, and then let me join.

Perfect, that was only ten minutes.

Now I sat around, playing Cat Condo 16, waiting for a customer to arrive. After half an hour, someone finally entered the shop. My fellow employee left to take a break, so I was alone. The person walked up to the counter.

"OH MY GOD ITS YOU!" They shouted.

I looked up at them, until I realized it was one of Johns friends. They where the one who shook my hand in the Crave, and introduced themselves as Lafayette.

"You really keep jumping around jobs," Lafayette commented.

"Yeah, and you randomly keep appearing wherever I work," I smiled.

"I just got a text a minute ago from John saying you where fired. Hes really worried, you know. He wants to talk to you," Lafayette said.

"I'm fine. Anyway, what brings you to this store?" I asked. He was worried about me? Is that true?

"I just saw you through the window and had to make sure it was you," Lafayette said.

"Oh, well if you don't mean business get outta here!" I said, waving my hand in a gesture that mean he should go.

"Fine," Lafayette said, laughing a bit. 

I watched them disappear outside the shop. I decided I wanted to do something with my time. I went over too the shoes on the shelves and began to organize the boxes. I took out one box because it looked weird, just too see what was going on. The box was all dented and squished. I fixed it the best I could, then put it back in the shelf.

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