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"Get here as soon as you can," I whispered into my phone to the police.

"Whats happening?" The police person lowered their voice.

"They have a hostage, a mini gun, and a bomb. And a dumpster," I whispered as if being quiet would help.

"Okay," I heard the police say from the other side of the phone.

I waited patiently for the cops to arrive, anxiously dancing from foot to foot.

"From what I'm seeing I think they are going to explode the house," I commented.

"Frick-," The police person said. "I mean, stay calm."

I watched as two cop cars rolled quietly down the alley way. I saw the cops get out of the car, guns out, and approach the back of the house where the criminals where. 

"Please tell us what window you are in," The police whispered after some silence.

"Hold up," I said.

I set my phone down and ran towards the back of my room, pressing a small switch on a clear box with batteries inside. The lanterns that hung from my ceiling flickered on, providing a yellow glow to my entire room. It was a subtle light, perfect for reading at night. 

"The window with the faint yellow glow," I said back into my phone.

"Perfect," The police said. "You are in an ideal spot for a lookout, if you are okay with that, can you watch the teams backs?"

"Sure," I said, feeling excitement bubble up inside me. I'm technically helping the police on a mission!

I stared intently around, looking behind the cars and making sure nothing snuck up on them. I immediately spotted a white van pull up at the front of the house, from my view up in the second story of my house, I could see over the neighbors fences.

"White van, shaded out windows on the street in front of the house. There's three people getting out with pistols," I informed the police.

As I made my report I saw a couple cops break away from the group and head around the house towards the van. This was so exciting!

I continued watching for about ten minutes. In the end, the cops arrested the criminals. Everything was sorted out. About four people total died (Three cops & one criminal) so that was dramatic and traumatizing. 

I jumped back into my bed and settled down for the rest of the night. Then I heard my phone bing and I picked it up. 13 missed calls from John?  I sighed. He must really care about me. I mean, there's no way he cared in THAT way. It's a friendly friend Johnfriend way.

"Hello?" I asked, calling his number.

"ALEX!" He screeched, he seemed like he had been crying.

"Yes...?" I questioned, confused.

"I thought you where dead," He sniffed.

"Why?" I was so confused right now.

"You just left my call and never called back!" John said, and I could hear his wiping his tears away.

"Dang," I muttered.

"Just being a good friend," John joked, his voice not very wavy anymore.

"Yeah, I just had to help the police with something," I shrugged even though he couldn't see me shrugging.

"Well, now that you're alive, I can get a good sleep," John sighed.

"Okay," I smiled.

Wow, he must really care about me if he couldn't sleep because I hung up on one call. Or he's just being a good friend. Yeah, that was more likely.

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